Interesting thing occurred to me.
This map reflects the difference between a country in which Russian troops were and where US and British troops were stationed between 1945 and 1989. I often think of the value and knock on effect on the US troops who came out of their rural and urban provincialist upbringings and lived among the strange German society totally different from what they were used. I really hadn't given too much thought to my German friends who also were exposed to the random US cultures. They were into hip hop, heavy metal and liked American sports. They lost their minds for Tom Cruise in Top Gun. Their dads seemed ok to have US servicemembers date their daughters even if there was a bit of an age discrepancy (that actually still blows my mind).
Not sure how you fix the gap between that acculturation and whatever the hell happened in East Germany. Stationing troops there isn't really in the long range plan unless Poland is invaded and we need to build up our buffers.