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Everything posted by romad1

  1. Also the vehicle can't be towed because of terrible design of axles or continue operating in the snow for fear of fires.
  2. Robust Arizona frontier women of a durability unknown to city ladies who only know how to order in restaurants and to complain. These "Annies" know and are in tune with nature and as such their own needs. I'm sorry...you didn't say that...I'm just having fun embellishing.
  3. I like the implication that parents of minor leaguers are providing juice boxes, fruit slices and lunchables to their adult children.
  4. Seems this kind of person is useful now that they have to strong arm a bunch of GOP representatives.
  5. Yeah, hopefully its not Gannett demanding they stay off the butterfly
  6. Swift was NOT a Dan Campbell player. He's talented but not mentally tough to be a winner. Ben Johnson might make something of him or he might waste cycles trying to make something out of him.
  7. You are indeed fortunate in having a wife who undoubtedly has dragged you to things she thinks you should both do together and feels some payback is reasonable.
  8. Eddie Murphy and Kenan in the Scared Straight sketch... Kenan says..."first thing its shoplifting and the next thing..." Eddie responds "GENOCIDE!" I swear to God I blacked out from laughing.
  9. they will identify who donates to NAACP and will punish those people.
  10. Cody on the correct app.
  11. Baez being in best shape of his life or to take a year off his service clock are two other reasons.
  12. The back fields are a weird experience. Last time I was there was when Wilkin Hernandez saved my son's life by jumping over the wall and bringing back a HR ball that I was foolishly trying to catch with my son on my shoulders. The ramifications of the ball hitting the kid instead of my hands which I was using to hold him were lost on gormless me. Back then, you could back then just go back there and watch drills and scrimmages they had going on. You'll see a lot of infield scenario practices. The pitchers have to be HERE when the ball goes to RF and there is a runner on second. The runner being drilled on how far to lead off on the fly ball, etc. They are experienced at Baseball but they do the drills to make it all second nature. Its of great interest if you are a youth sports coach or otherwise a nut about the game, but your non-baseball addict wife or kids might be bored out of their minds.
  13. The credit for the survival of the Zelensky Government in Feb 22 owes a tremendous amount to the help he got from US and Allied intel which gave him precise warning of the place and timing of the attempted coup de main at Hostumel Airport. The people who gave that warning had a success of the caliber of that which killed Yamamoto in '43 or more to the point and on the nose, to allow the US to smuggle US Embassy Tehran employees out via the Canadian ambassador's house.
  14. https://apnews.com/article/eu-europe-ukraine-nato-security-summit-trump-060c8661c59f8f75b96711d3889ce559 Allies are critical. Collective security is critical. Alienating your allies is stupid.
  15. Imagine going so far that the Federalist Society would think you've gone too far.
  16. Plus oath-breaking, Constitution hater.
  17. def Worse still, we are heading for another global pandemic.
  18. Also, lets create the conditions for WW3 by backing out of our defense commitments.
  19. Eddie Murphy doing Tracy Morgan was awesome!!!!
  20. watching the special.. The first sketch was zany...bizonkers.
  21. I'm learning from Detroit Tigers bsky that the ladies and the gays really like Jack Flaherty.
  22. Collective security is communist dontchaknow
  23. Listening now to Motor City Metrics…savage
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