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Everything posted by romad1

  1. NYTPITCHBOT has competition https://bsky.app/profile/numb.comfortab.ly
  2. Ok, so Judge Cannon, aka person-anticipating-quid-pro-quo-job-in-next-administration, block on this can only last until Sunday. None of this matters except for History. Trump will do 5 things that would get all preceding presidents impeached by February.
  3. Looks like another hapless victim of crank ideologies has died https://www.charlotteobserver.com/news/local/crime/article298247913.html
  4. Works for me. https://bsky.app/profile/joshuajfriedman.com/post/3lfdw4nifjc2z Joshua J. Friedman ‪@joshuajfriedman.com‬ 5–4, with Thomas, Alito, Gorsuch, and Kavanaugh in dissent. Just incredible that there were 4 conservative votes for what would have been a blatantly improper action. ‪Steve Vladeck‬ ‪@stevevladeck.bsky.social‬ · 31m #BREAKING: #SCOTUS *rejects* President-Elect Trump's bid to put off his sentencing in the NY hush money case.
  5. https://bsky.app/profile/adamparkhomenko.bsky.social/post/3lfdhplbtu22a
  6. Trump probably too busy dunking on Los Angeles
  7. Biden glared at Trump while saying a bunch of things…
  8. “Nuclear engineer, right?” totally human thing right there.
  9. Just watched the final episode of Chernobyl last night as a reminder of how things will be in Trump's administration. No finer lesson on how COVID spiraled out of control than that. He's got the KGB guy telling him it doesn't matter if the RBMK reactor has a critical flaw because the system has decreed that they are safe. Global warming, COVID, Russia taking over Ukraine....just a few of the outcomes that will be made worse.
  10. They have their blinders just as we do.
  11. Yeah, that is part of their attempt to pay down that debt with more debt. The other part of the PRC's rapid debt accumulation effort has been their Belt and Road Initiative overseas. Saw a statistic from this website today...https://worldpopulationreview.com/countries/china China is losing 2.8M people per year while the US is gaining 1.6M. While the UK is gaining 380k, while Canada is gaining 330k. Only the countries where they crap on immigrants from the poor South do we see western countries in decline.
  12. Interesting Wall Street Journal article about PRC muzzling criticism of its economy. Per the article, Debt as ratio of GDP approaches 300% which does not match their public/propaganda statistics which places them in the normal-ish 70% range. https://www.wsj.com/world/china/xi-jinping-muzzles-chinese-economist-who-dared-to-doubt-gdp-numbers-2a2468ef That combined with rapid population decline…aye carumba!
  13. Never that simple.
  14. The main issue is the entanglement of the Chinese military in the deal. Nobody wants to have them hanging around your town.
  15. Former employee of mine was a very very smart female -- very pretty too but not relevant except to say -- memorable person, who while playing in a goth metal band during the immediate post 9/11 era had her car keyed while in Quebec City. She immediately dropped the band, went to the first US city she could reach and joined the military (forgot the branch) to become a linguist/crypto person at Ft. Meade. She remains one of the most interesting brains I've ever met. The intellectual leap she made between keying of her car by French Canadians and jumping headlong into the GWOT for the next 4 years of her life was one involving a bunch of 3 body problem quality calculations I'll never quite get.
  16. This is a very interesting development. https://www.freep.com/story/money/cars/ford/2025/01/07/ford-chinese-ev-batteries-catl-marshall-megasite/77519832007/
  17. Yeah shocker. I have never known the peoples of the Mediterranean diaspora to hold grudges. And of course my scot’s-irish in-laws just forgive and forget.
  18. Verlander maybe…Scherzer broke it up bad with the Illitch family.
  19. Another observation about FB: a lot of supposed military fan sites that show Chinese and Russian and weirdly enough Turkish aircraft and ships as superior to US and NATO (yes, I know Turkey is still in NATO). "Gosh, Vern... that F-35 is soops expensive we should buy that Chengdu J-20 from the Chinese instead."
  20. I approve of this message in general. However, I view people who have low battery life on their phones as morally degenerate.
  21. I don't get all the Texas clickbait superimposed on Michigan. Like "3 signs you are in Michigan: #1 everyone says 'y'all', #2 we all shop at Buc-es, #3 we drive in trucks". The other thing that anyone with a suspicious mind would note is a certain type of populist male/female dynamic that implies that ladies like being trad but being covertly voracious in the bedroom. I've reached a certain point in my life where I'm going to look at good looking ladies on the internet and not care unless there is an obvious malicious link behind it.
  22. You want better than Pampered Chef stuff?
  23. The militia thing is all over rural America. While that is dumb and a problem because J6, etc. I think a lot of people who have firearms skills are being shifted to the left by the radicalization of the RW which moves the Overton Window. I have many veteran friends who cannot abide the Foxnewsification of things.
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