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Everything posted by romad1

  1. Power, go-along-to-get-along, human nature. Its not surprising that human institutions are corruptible. The Disciples fell asleep on Jesus. They all have churches and cathedrals named after them.
  2. Well, the military is far more openly gay
  3. All fine except for the grim exploitation that goes along with all that. Then again, it is the oldest profession and has and will always be among us.
  4. There are a lot of propagandists who are making a lot of coin from friendly billionaires. I guess maybe this all pays. There are a bunch of guys in this category of broken, fired from Fox for some transgressive behavior, hired by lower rung competitor. They all look a lot shabbier when I see them.
  5. Perhaps, but maybe the grievance gravy is not to be found on tier C cable channel when Rupert and Roger deem you to be too nutso to work for them.
  6. I remember him as being a bit more of a human previously. Now a lot of these former Conservative, now Trump authoritarian hack journalists seem like they are in two schools: 1. robotically going through the motions like Rosen to get a mackerel thrown at them if they perform the trick correctly and 2. gleeful shitstains like the kid of the Good Morning Foxville guy.
  7. Biden handled this very well.
  8. James Rosen at this presser. woah.
  9. Wait, what if their DNA has been changed by the COVID vaccines?
  10. MCS and G2 both of you are in A2 or have some links to the town. Do people think he's leaving? My own network seem to think he's staying.
  11. That was a low-brow bachelor party. My own never made it to the strip club because drunken brother who demanded to drive everyone despite serious intoxication -- but who we told we were not allowing him to drive us across an international border in such condition -- decided to ram his snow plow on his Chevy Truck into the car in which we had all piled in to go to the establishment in Canada. So, the cops came instead and we had my brother hauled away to jail. Good times. On the good side, it gave us a rock solid story to tell at the wedding reception. Wedding guest 1: "Where is your brother W?" ROMAD1: "that Jackass is in jail" Wedding guest 2: "Where is your brother W?" ROMAD1: "Rotting jail like the attempted murderer he is"
  12. For a while when I got out of the Air Force and was hanging out with dudes who wanted to break into the Detroit punk rock scene, I would go to the low-grade strip clubs just to see if the girl onstage might fall or knock over a beer glass. The dancers did not like that we were actively rooting for their grim failure. Basically, it was white middle class jackassery born of dudes who had a lot of safety net to fall back on. None of us were drinking even that much and drug use was a definite no-no.
  13. Was thinking more of Henry The VIII which is on Middlebelt as I drive north to Livonia. I knew a girl who worked there (sister of a friend), she was troubled.
  14. Legend had it that H. Ford established it as a suburb for his African American workers. It was actually named after a person named Inkster but that legend held a lot of sway for a long time. Its basically in the shadow of DTW airport and yep, it has the low-grade strip clubs of a place noir writers are dying to write about.
  15. So, the irony. Putin sent Marina Butina to seduce the NRA guys and spread pro-Russia love in the gun nut community. Now, the Ukrainian defense against the Russians is the absolute example of why a 2nd amendment exists in the US.
  16. The absolute hard on event for gun-rights advocates
  17. My white daughter —age early teens—- is waiting in a pharmacy with me for her booster. My African American brother — age 48– is already boosted. Because of critical race theory and wokism
  18. The Youngkin mask mandate rollback is looking like it will cause some violence
  19. Foxnews doesn't care if you vote
  20. Livonia and Northville and the "I-275 corridor" have a significant Japanese presence. Its not nearly as big a deal as the Polish in Hamtramck used to be but it is there. Probably, there are more Indian born than Japanese actually but the Japanese/auto industry interaction is real.
  21. This is accurately portraying how the alt-right want this to go.
  22. The departure of Schissell seems oddly timed with the departure of Las Vegas Raiders from the playoffs.
  23. Having stared at her face as the female AQ lady for a long time back in the 2004-2006 time frame...it was weird hearing Aafia Siddiqui's name again. She did have very nice eyes. No wonder the Jihadi boys loved her.
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