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Everything posted by romad1

  1. And China is making better versions now
  2. Some really good stuff here On Harbaugh Watch 2022 | mgoblog
  3. Most terrorist groups and revolutionary governments with weapons in their livery have the AK-47 and its variants in there.
  4. Dead right all down the line. He knows his skillset. He knows how to be a KGB officer. He had a bunch of German east and west politicians under his thumb and still does in some key cases. He has a bunch of oligarchs who owe their lives and treasure to his continued goodwill. But, for inspiring people he's crap. He does want innovation but he only sees foreign military sales and doesn't see the value of investment in any other aspect of tech. Their COVID vaccine is shit (he didn't trust it).
  5. I still love the game. I want an unscripted event that has unambiguous results that sometimes demonstrates character and heroism. Other sports appear more formulaic and scripted and the degree to which Rob Manfred is manipulating events with different quality balls for different games is a definite problem. Baseball is harder to script. Its still hard to hit a baseball and hard to put one exactly where you want it. The narrative of the Max Scherzer playoff relief appearance against the Oakland As when he cames in and loads the bases and then gets out of it through his sheer force of will is hard to repeat. Aaron Rogers getting an extra untimed down as the clock expires to throw a hail mary seems pretty ridiculous in comparison.
  6. Ron Johnson acts like a Senator with secrets. Just like Rubio and Cruz do.
  7. The nation needs less of him
  8. He's thinking of his legacy. Without too much psycho-babble about terminal urgency, He can't be leader of Great Russia like his heroes unless he recovers all of greater Russia. His recent scare over COVID caused him to accelerate a timeline or two. He's sick of Russia having the economy the size of Italy. He sees endless contraction and withering of what Russia was under the Soviets. So, fascist bully will fascistically bully and will seek to expand without or with bloodshed as best he can. Cannot allow it to occur.
  9. MGOBLOG does a lot of really good detailed analysis. Smarter fan is a better fan. The UFR of the OSU game offensive gameplan was Shakespearian. Upon Further Review 2021: Offense vs. Ohio State | mgoblog
  10. The stupid thing is that we let them do this. Sport is a public good as much as a business.
  11. Mafia Manfred is going to kill all their kids
  12. That was an amazing riff on the multi-verse in his citizen's filibuster.
  13. I was there.
  14. Yeah, the very definition of people who are heavily engaged in civics, communities.
  15. Its a pretty good hour of standup. He's a riot.
  16. "There is no Kirby"
  17. "working class" would imply that applicants are Dickensian poor -- not kids of dual-income household professionals who likely have spent an occasional extra nickle to get their kid some testing help. Or, are they "bloated plutocrats?"
  18. I appreciate the point about the myth of middle class merit
  19. I had the same guy who gave me the "Jim's waiting to sign the contract" inside dope asked me if I had an opinion about them loosening the transfer rules from 60 credit max.
  20. They probably won't do allowing all of your Bumfluff Red State Teecherz and Preecherz Colledge credits to transfer for a guy who wants a degree in Doctorin'
  21. I'm interested in this. My hope is that Michigan becomes smarter about this. My own experience was that I was the youngest of 5 kids of the CPA, who had to go off the Air Force and transfer in with credits from Schoolcraft College, the Community College of the Air Force and University of Maryland's European campus. Ask me about my credits from CCAF and how little they figured in the Michigan transfer -- nor really should they have (I have credits in "Vehicle Operations" and "Joint Fires Planning")
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