I want to reiterate that the title of this thread is "Cleanup on Aisle Lunatic"
We can't resort to lunatic behavior to cleanup the RW lunatics. That's how those idiots win.
The rule of law must be the foundation of any effort to bolster democracy. State violence is only valid and appropriate when it is back by the law and the constitution. This is why this is a dangerous time. i can't even guess that we'd prevail and in fact many democracies do fail because anti-democratic forces have many advantages.
I'm about a page into this and its amazing
I took a stab at it and everyplace I've lived that wasn't suburban has been gentrified by now. There is a sardonic Talking Heads song waiting to be heard about such things.
I have been just hearing this in my head whenever I have a moment to myself. Walking to the car, I hear "Don't you know, Pump it up!" and "Its great to be...a Michigan Wolverine" and the weirdly specific lyrics of Mr. Brightside
Too distracted by GWOT. The public's perception of Putin had not coalesced around his true nature. He invaded Georgia as well.
We took a while to figure out Hitler and Tojo's game too.
During the video for Pump it Up that you see on Youtube...there are two great fan reactions from the OSU bitter enders.
and at 26 seconds in the same video. So f'in great.
Yes, yes...like perhaps once some of these Trump fans were once fans of conservative governing principles such as collective security, free trade, and the rule of law.