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Everything posted by romad1

  1. China is the communist one. I’ve heard a few trumpies who might know better repeat the notion that Biden is in bed with them…excuse me, who made the Ivanka line of fashion sold at Nordstrom’s?
  2. Tucker appears to be fully carrying water for Vlad
  3. I am sitting in a doctor’s office so don’t have the ability to do so but would have posted George Bailey’s “the money isn’t here because it’s …” speech from “it’s a Wonderful Life”
  4. I'll just say that obscenities abound in this day and age. Calling the institution that puts scientists and astronauts into the World, obscene because that institution benefits from ridiculous donations from alums who want to glorify their own names with buildings and endowments named after themselves seems just a tad too much. Why they could build hospitals with that money! What is Mott? They could cure diseases with that money! What is the human genome project? They don't do everything right or for the right reasons but heck if there aren't much worse institutions out there. This isn't the Saudi royal family sitting on a pile of cash torturing anyone who gainsays them.
  5. The Trump fans think Putin is cool because Trump is so head over heels for Putin. They all want their gold plated toilet to worship America on.
  6. There are worse entities out there than any university. I have been seeing this "Conservative" trope lately about how our kids don't need to have their ideas challenged by the satanists in the ivory towers of academia and we'd all be better off if most went to trade school. I'm disgusted by the classism involved.
  7. I'm with you there. I will listen to "Turn the Page" and "Mainstreet" and for B-52s will listen to "Roam" or "Rock Lobster" but yes, "Old Time Rock and Roll" and "Love Shack" are long sharp needles to my ears.
  8. Well, the blew Nebraska's doors off on the road. So that's nice. 102 points in college BB is kinda rare.
  9. https://www.washingtonpost.com/sports/olympics/2021/11/27/olympics-boycott-berlin-1936/
  10. Interesting thing I just read University of Alabama Endowment $1.42B University of Cincinnati Endowment $1.4B
  11. Gaetz is still in Congress?
  12. they are flailing.
  13. needed to be sooner
  14. wtf is the big deal about Kamela Harris not wanting to use bluetooth? It is a known security risk.
  15. we would have sent diplomats but you guys would have tried to murder them with the noise weapon you've been using against them everywhere. So, to avoid our being murdered or maimed...we aren't going. we would have sent our athletes but you guys might have found some Muslims or Christians among them and sent them to a reeducation camp we would have sent some of our business leaders but you would have had them murdered like you are doing to your own business leaders Very diplomatic of us.
  16. I have no doubt that Athens is a fun town. The only thing that condemns it for me is the existence of the song "Love Shack" by Athens natives the B-52s, a song so repulsive that i once went happily to a month deployment to the desert to avoid its constant airplay on MTV and the radio.
  17. was just looking at the Regents meeting minutes on that site you sent G2, the $17B number appears to be pretty accurate. https://regents.umich.edu/files/meetings/12-21/2021-12-II-1.pdf
  18. Diplomatic boycott over the olympics is not enough. None of it hurts Xi enough for what he's done and is threatening.
  19. Finally some discussion about the odd lack of response from the Pentagon to Jan 6.
  20. The most amazing number to me is the endowment. It doesn't compare to the $53B Harvard one but still very substantial and indicative that some of M's grads have gone on to make some coin.
  21. Ooops...I specifically remember the 50k number. Go with the relative difference. I'm sure Georgia didn't suddenly find 25,000 more kids interested in college in 2021. update: the wikipedia number for 2021 for Georgia is 38,920 so that's a nice bump for them.
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