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Everything posted by romad1

  1. wtf is the big deal about Kamela Harris not wanting to use bluetooth? It is a known security risk.
  2. we would have sent diplomats but you guys would have tried to murder them with the noise weapon you've been using against them everywhere. So, to avoid our being murdered or maimed...we aren't going. we would have sent our athletes but you guys might have found some Muslims or Christians among them and sent them to a reeducation camp we would have sent some of our business leaders but you would have had them murdered like you are doing to your own business leaders Very diplomatic of us.
  3. I have no doubt that Athens is a fun town. The only thing that condemns it for me is the existence of the song "Love Shack" by Athens natives the B-52s, a song so repulsive that i once went happily to a month deployment to the desert to avoid its constant airplay on MTV and the radio.
  4. was just looking at the Regents meeting minutes on that site you sent G2, the $17B number appears to be pretty accurate. https://regents.umich.edu/files/meetings/12-21/2021-12-II-1.pdf
  5. Diplomatic boycott over the olympics is not enough. None of it hurts Xi enough for what he's done and is threatening.
  6. Finally some discussion about the odd lack of response from the Pentagon to Jan 6.
  7. The most amazing number to me is the endowment. It doesn't compare to the $53B Harvard one but still very substantial and indicative that some of M's grads have gone on to make some coin.
  8. Ooops...I specifically remember the 50k number. Go with the relative difference. I'm sure Georgia didn't suddenly find 25,000 more kids interested in college in 2021. update: the wikipedia number for 2021 for Georgia is 38,920 so that's a nice bump for them.
  9. Some tales of the tape between the two schools playing in Miami on New Year's Eve: Older school: Georgia founded 1785, Michigan founded 1817 Bigger school: Michigan 44,663; Georgia 29,765 Endowment: Michigan $17 billion; Georgia $1.36 billion Most interesting political grad: Michigan Raoul Wallenberg (Swedish Holocaust hero and victim of the KGB); Georgia Sally Yates (former acting attorney general) Most interesting business grad: Georgia Daniel Amos (founder and CEO of AFLAC); Michigan Henry Bloch (founder of H&R Block) -- Michigan has a LOOONG list including the Meijer family, all sorts of mega billionaires...I settled on this guy. Most interesting entertainment grad: Georgia Wayne Knight (Newman from Seinfeld show); Michigan Ann B. Davis (The Brady Bunch); Most interesting sports grad: Michigan Jim Abbot (MLB pitcher who had to remove his glove to be a belly itcher); Georgia Matt Stafford (former NFL QB and currently employed along the West coast reported to be prospering in dry goods); Most interesting military grad: Georgia Charles Beckwith (US Army Special Forces, creator of Delta Force; Michigan Samuel Phillips (Air Force General and head of NASA's Lunar Landing Program during Apollo project and head of National Security Agency) Highest academic ranking in: Georgia: Insurance Tied for #1; Michigan #1 in social work, sociology, marketing Number of Astronauts: Michigan 12; Number of space missions entirely crewed by Michigan alums 2 (Gemini IV and Apollo 15); Georgia still working out if the Earth is round. Number of graduates killed in US Civil War: Georgia 100; Michigan not as many but they fought on the correct side.
  10. the 3d dimensions of physical geography maybe. The dimension of popular will is entirely asymetric for Vladdie. He won't break the Ukrainian popular will to resist Big Russia.
  11. Vladdie thinks he can use the Kim Jong Un playbook? https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/europe/biden-putin-meeting-nato-ukraine/2021/12/06/71225812-5677-11ec-8396-5552bef55c3c_story.html
  12. Gawd. MSU can play the disrespekt card again! Oh noes! Mike Valenti will be hate fueled for another year.
  13. there is a 2% video I didn't love. The audio at the beginning is all noisy (the haters calling for Harbaugh's head) and it doesn't really work. The focus on OSU game pretty much the middle part.
  14. Do you not see the kid in the games? He's hella athletic but not quite yet a field general. He's a lot better than Joe Milton, Dylan Mccafrey and Shea Patterson but thus far Cade is a better custodian of the plan and knows the playbook. They have used JJ's talents very well thus far.
  15. Quick break from Devin-fest...this is really well thought out
  16. I guess he won't be wrecking US national security from within until Trump appoints him ambassador to Nambia
  17. There is a long history of ethical behavior being a contingent requirement of the professions. So, as our economy involved more and more specialization we require our doctors not to be butchers, our dentists not to sexually exploit their patients. And for our athletes not to be beholden to the gambling and mafia elements. Yep, its a minimal requirement of civilization that we hold people to certain moral and ethical standards. Or, you could have sports be pro wrestling.
  18. Al Washington and Greg Mattison seem to have been conspicuously quiet lately
  19. Milton's field generalship on display see also, that the tweeter has some connection to the school in Ohio that doesn't know how to scheme a run defense.
  20. Mccaffery is who you mean? They really went for the Irish names for a while there. Mcnamara and Mccarthey appear to have a good relationship. I can clearly see that Mccarthey has the arm talent but when he was in against Iowa you saw lapses in judgement that denote the need for more seasoning. Hopefully he uses the month of December and spring camp to get to where Mcnamara is as far as being a field general. Back to Milton, the stories out there that he vowed to hang 50 points on Michigan when he was benched in 2020 really denoted a poisonous locker room that year. The thing is that if the QB is not cutting it as a leader, the coaching staff need to figure out how to process him out of the program without denying him the ability to prove it elsewhere. I guess I don't have a grand point about all this except...the transfer portal appears to work.
  21. Was just musing. What would this team be doing if Joe Milton stuck around? I saw some highlights of him playing w/Tenn and it didn't seem like he was doing anything very difficult. His arm talent is there but he wasn't able to make reads at all. It might have been for the best that he processed out.
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