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Everything posted by romad1

  1. Japan is a threat but i believe Germany is the greater threat would be what any US War Department and Navy Department planner would have written in 1939-1942 until the US actually started offensive operations.
  2. Currently not looking like OSU will be playing Oregon again. Utah is trucking them in the Pac-12 championship
  3. These videos were powerfully good. This matters so much to Michigan. Gawd...please do not f this up.
  4. Nobody who lived through the last decade will or should take anything for granted.
  5. The human trafficking that goes on with players from Cuba is also a huge problem
  6. Manfred's links to organized crime? Has he had lunch with anyone who dips a sugar cube on the end of a toothpick into his tea?
  7. Manipulate the competitive balance: check Invite gambling into the sport on a massive scale: check Manfred: I see no reason why gamblers should see opportunities to control outcomes
  8. Oh, its written by the child reporters of the Washington Examiner
  9. that article is brutal to Weisman.
  10. They supposedly didn't do any counter-intelligence or financial stuff by design. If, this report has that material woah Nelly!
  11. alternate Mueller report suppressed by Barr apparently is coming soon
  12. I gather that the guy who the kids in the Oxford school video were thinking might be the shooter at the door was actually a cop sweeping the building who just chose to sound like a "kid" by saying "bro" to gain their confidence. The mental agility of the kids to not let him in seems like legit paranoia for the situation. I'm hearing also that Tate charged the shooter. I am dubious about that but if true, that's pretty damn heroic.
  13. Fishstick guy be an act all the way.
  14. The NFL has a tiered franchise system as well. I don't follow the NBA as closely. I assume its as bad. Screw any league management that allows that.
  15. Spencer Turnbull and any other pitcher injured makes much more sense.
  16. I mean, that's fraud. If I were any player injured for any kind of play related to the juiced balls, I would get a lawyer and sue Manfred's ass.
  17. Rob goddamn Manfred putting juiced balls in "highly important" games played by the preferred franchises and dud balls in games played by the loser teams (e.g., the AL central) tells you this maniac has got to go. Why do the Tigers even bother to play unless this is all wrestling and anyone who pays for a ticket is a mark?
  18. It should not end until Manfred is gone or in jail
  19. https://mgoblog.com/content/upon-further-review-2021-offense-vs-ohio-state#read-more This UFR for the offense is a thing of wonder and beauty. The quotes at the end of the drive summaries are amazing. I wanted to go run up a hill and jump up and down just reading this.
  20. Remembering Bodie in The Wire eating his sandwich with McNulty outdoors and grousing about not being bailed out with a pay lawyer.
  21. Stupid liberals making us not celebrate Rule V. Well screw that. Merry Rule Vmas!
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