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Everything posted by romad1

  1. Jon Heyman is a mouthpiece for the agents. Its information like the Russians putting on the interwebs that Covid is a Jewish plot is information.
  2. Ok, now go get Correa
  3. Definite tears over that one. Was starting to wonder why it could never be. All we needed was a plan and the will to make it so. The religious minded might also wonder if the snow was a little extra help.
  4. Jon Gray gone....boo
  5. And...its a total thing that Fox' broadcasts are ass. Always missing key pieces of information and always away at commercials.
  6. The Fox crew broadcast was so washed out by the crowd noise for me. The 4K broadcast was fantastic. Basically, I would love any home game like that. For road games, I think I'd like it the other way. Mellow broadcaster and no crowd noise.
  7. And a suitor out of the running
  8. Yo me gusto! Fetter happy, me happy.
  9. Iowa is disrespeckting us by trying to sucker us into complacency!
  10. Watching the Brandstatter/Dierdorff pressbox video and seeing everyone in there tearing up. Verklempt.
  11. Saturday was possibly the closest thing to a Berlin Wall moment i’ve seen occur in Michigan. What else qualifies? Obama’s 2008 for African Americans?
  12. So, "Hang a hundred" and "born on third base" are going to be the memorable phrases from potential start to a new 10 year war.
  13. Ok, so the USNews thing said that Iowa was tied for 10th for "Writing in the Disciplines" which sounds like a lot of preversion. I'm sure its something the Teutonic residents of Iowa brought over from Germany. All that lederhosen is just gateway leather.
  14. what time of day is the B1G championship game? I seem to recall it being an evening game. Yes, its 8pm
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