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Everything posted by romad1

  1. None of that is fun unless Corea is already a done deal
  2. There can't be 5 other teams willing to massively overpay for an elite FA SS.
  3. You have been promised an amazing shortstop. It will occur.
  4. I’m picking up that Cohen is suffering from the Matz rejection
  5. I had seen stuff about how the refs were being changed like the jury in "The Untouchables" and that the entire OSU coaching staff was out with COVID. Seemingly in an attempt to convince people to switch their bets to Michigan. Now, who does that help?
  6. Rumors are crazy online about this game. Likely in an attempt to move the money. Legal sports betting has not made sports less sleazy.
  7. on paper, senior leadership at PG is what you'd like: Wisdom, understanding and athleticism. Jones has been chaotic and ineffectual.
  8. i'm not the only one who made this observation https://mgoblog.com/content/michigan-65-tarleton-state-54 I can see trying to figure out how to get Jones going...but c'mon man!
  9. From what I've seen, this team's entire problem is that Jones is terrible at what he was brought in to do. They need to use anyone else.
  10. This is the Biden that arranged the Quad?
  11. Michigan should be playing the disrespeckt card very hard...except for the lack of winning previous games.
  12. The original USFL was a fine product. I enjoyed it immensely. The NFL's attempts with the NFL Europe and what not struggled because it wasn't a modified college football product but more NFL rules. If offense is wide open and strategy matters and some high skill players come out of it, people will watch.
  13. https://twitter.com/RetepAdam/status/822725263293353985?s=20
  14. The owner hasn’t been very good since the Nats moved in on his territory
  15. sent in error
  16. So, the Yankees signed Simmons so scratch one guy from the second tier.
  17. My guess as to what happens in this game is that the betting line is jacked up and the Youngstown mafia will fix it so it is a win by just enough to avoid the payout to the punters.
  18. Meanwhile, I'm sure the OSU fanbase is gathering in a torchlit procession to worship their aryan masters.
  19. Yes, but there are actual factories where workers in Russia produce "hilarious" memes for use to disrupt the people of the democracies. It has been documented and it has had massive impact.
  20. Very amused by the talmudic argumentativeness of our fans. You can't say anything about Custer's Gettysburg battlecry or Bo or whatever without a ton of gainsaying and tongue clucking. Don't change Michigan fanbase.
  21. Nah, the rampant racism and bigotry used to politely hidden.
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