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Everything posted by romad1

  1. The trolling thing is because Russia purposefully plants memes in social media to inflame the ignorami -- hence the Trump administration.
  2. I think the GOP platform committee in the 2024 National Convention is going to write into the official platform that Biden should be sodomized.
  3. Fuck you Triggerwarning.
  4. Hopefully on Saturday we get a montage of Jim Harbaugh in a cathedral baptizing his son while OSU is defeated on the field, Moe Green is shot in the eye on a massage table, MSU is denuded by PSU, Don Carmine is shot in an elevator by a shotgun...etc.
  5. To quote Dean Spreck on Community when Pierce was confessing that the study group threw him out: "What took them so long?" Jonah Goldberg and Stephen Hayes resign from Fox News, protesting 'irresponsible' voices like Tucker Carlson (msn.com)
  6. Wojo has always seemed a bit too whimsical for this...but this is something https://mvictors.com/low-point-on-high-street-1982/ Continues
  7. Kids, you wonder what the 1970s were like? It wasn't all discos, and bell bottoms. It had this thing going where football coaches could threaten to punch the refs, where the coach would TELL his players to wreck a banner in the opposing stadium. Where the next time they played a home game, the NFL player alumns who attended that game for Michigan would actively slug it out with the OSU players under the banner even to the point of slugging Woody in order to protect the banner. Modern sportsball players do not take things as seriously as these guys did.
  8. And it only favored dems because so many of them couldn’t wait to vote out Trump
  9. The crowd noise when DJ Turner scores the pick 6 must have crushed the souls of the MD fans
  10. Might be best to call this game a lottery ticket. We have as much chance and if we won it would change our fortunes as much.
  11. Starting salary for graduates: Michigan: $64,700 OSDPWO: $55,100 (possibly from public assistance or prison wages)
  12. This will be a painful watch because that Ohio Skool is damn good at football. But, if...and I mean if. Michigan wins this one. I'll blow off my rifles in my backyard Iraqi Rifle Dance style.
  13. JH teams pattern (except Rutgers game) was meh first half and then the game happens. So if up by a lot at half it does bode well.
  14. MSU isn’t holding enough?
  15. The Tucker effect
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