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Everything posted by romad1

  1. That guy needs to be a character in a heist movie.
  2. He's not denying it at all.
  3. A candidate for the top 10 of recent years. The Fox New candidate for the Dems Tulsi Gabbard who likely was also Putin's candidate. She had some bad skin if you saw her on a good HD tv but the overall package was athletic and appealing.
  4. I’d have to think on that. The usual case is they are a little older so not quite in the zone for what MLB scouts would describe as 60-80 range fastball like AOC is. Say what you will about her being illiterate and ignorant: Sarah Palin was a legit cougar.
  5. MTG is into some weird stuff in her own right. I think she'd be into a hookup with AOC. AOC on the other hand probably not down.
  6. How Churchillian!
  7. I love that video. AOC is AOK!
  8. Yeah, this was what was happening. They eventually hit a couple late but too late. They have stuff to work on. Its not a crisis. final 4 team.
  9. I've had a few moments on here where I've called for the Jan 6 protestors to be met with deadly force. But, the US Capitol being the critical point in the execution of democratic processes was a bit different than Kenosha.
  10. Good thing there was one good boy to blast them to smithereens. Thank the maker his mama drove him into that riot.
  11. I'm all for vigilante justice. My son could easily make those decisions if I gave him a rifle and told him to go into a riot to commit extrajudicial killings in the name of 'Merica. Likely those who were killed were left wingers who don't eat at Mission BBQ and watch Foxnews.
  12. PSU has a lot of fans. But so does Michigan.
  13. I can see why authoritarianism is on the rise.
  14. I guess 9/11 was almost in the previous century so MTG doesn't remember it.
  15. Just saw a tweet about an olympic boycott. Joe and Xi must have had an interesting 4 hour chat last night.
  16. Wonderful ref. Love that movie. One of Paul Newman's best performances.
  17. Plus, among markets it has to have one of the most loyal ex-pat community not named the New York Yankees or Boston Red Sox.
  18. Yes, Detroit's media market is the entire Lower Peninsula + Toledo and some of Indiana. Its not huge. Its a step below New England in revenue but not a joke. The team didn't lose money during 2006-2016 good years.
  19. Honestly, nothing can really be decided until they have a new Schissel.
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