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Everything posted by romad1

  1. The Detroit Tiger MLB market is not the Detroit media market.
  2. I think the market size estimators continuously discount the strength of the Montreal market.
  3. I had done some other research in the now-infamous gambling site formerly known as MTS in which I showed that Detroit was about a step below Boston in terms of market size for MLB franchises. I think just behind us was St. Louis which has a large part of the Southern US still (basically SEC West)...which is not reflected here. Also, Atlanta has a larger market than this as well for similar reasons (Basically SEC East).
  4. They tried to murder Pence out of love of country. Isn't that clear you globalist kuk? (JK...that's me mirroring their weirdo language)
  5. This entire thing is weird. Biden triggers people?
  6. why is the World better off with the people dead?
  7. If you did that in my high school...you'd get your ass kicked. Actually no. The kids who did that were on heroin and so out of their minds because of the conflicts they were going through that they needed to self medicate. It ain't an area where I'm going to judge too harshly. I am annoyed by it. Just annoyed.
  8. I've been pretty circumspect about all that PDA stuff. My daughter is pretty freaked out about the grabby hugs that the bigger girls who no longer identify by their girl name keep giving her.
  9. I'd be curious as to what the Illitch empire's most significant income stream is. I suspect Little Caesars is not it.
  10. Will they tighten the slot machine payouts? Will they up the cost of surface parking? The Illitches have two other sources of income you should not overlook.
  11. Tony Paul is doubling down on them getting a second FA pitcher (possibly JV) and the big ticket 9 figure shortstop. Hopefully, the Tigers don't cause the US to devalue the dollar to pay all these salaries.
  12. Another place where I'm dealing with this currently is coaching 12U girls in softball. Too many landmines.
  13. Jim Harbaugh's battle over American Sniper was one of those.
  14. I'm breathing into a paper bag! This is great. Go Al! Go AJ!
  15. Of those jobs in a wide-open NIL landscape. You'd want either USC, LSU or Miami because the donor base are the most angsty about competing and you have the best conditions for hiring players. USC and Miami are private unis so less constrained by the factors a public uni have. If you have the USC program rolling you are king of the biggest city west of Mexico City but still on this side of the international dateline.
  16. The over emphasis on this during my son's U-Delaware tour and non-emphasis of this during my U-Michigan and UVA tours indicated all I needed to know about the seriousness of the institutions. One place is a haven for complicated kids who need a lot of social and emotional protection. The other two emphasize that your kid needs to measure up to a difficult standard to make it in these schools and having an egg shell personality might not work. Now, the practical reality might be that all universities are like that now.
  17. This story... I also want to know why Flynn's brother was at the Pentagon ops center on Jan 6 and what his (in)actions might have caused to spin out of control. Why is Flynn's brother still on active duty at USINDOPACOM?
  18. This team looks closer to those NFL teams than his others too.
  19. Watched the first two games. Hunter looks amazing. Caleb Houstan looks amazing. Deavonte Jones needs improvement. Juwan Howard has a final 4 team in this group for sure.
  20. Was listening to some podcast and the NIL ads were very interesting. Obviously, U-M sports oriented podcast listeners are the target audience. This was blatant. "Why have your favorite athlete worry about the cost of their education when you and your friends can finance that education?" They emphasized this would also fund U-M athletes in the ... other sports too. Man, the light is on at the swamp. All the swamp creatures are dancing.
  21. I really hope Anthony has a great career and this isn't why I remember him.
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