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Everything posted by romad1

  1. He’s clearly on some spectrum..
  2. Diagnosed about 12 years ago with the dreaded type 2. i’ve done a decent job keeping it under control. What made a huge move/change to my diet was Trulicity combined with coaching softball most of the year. The activity matters. Diet definitely matters.
  3. He’s an odd duck to be sure
  4. The hillbillys who think northern Virginia is going to go for Youngkin are mislead. However, there are plenty of signs about indicating the shame of putting a Youngkin sign in one's front yard is less than having a Trump one. You might still be able to talk to your Asian neighbor if you had one vice the other.
  5. Concerned for sure. Not stroking any checks.
  6. I hope they are talking truth
  7. Weirdly, the Dems are +5 in generic ballot for Congress right now. That can't be good news for all these red wave people.
  8. I have reached the point of exhaustion wrt politics. I saw Steve Kornacki on the morning Joe this morning and just hit mute. I can't. I want the Trumpies to lose. I need them to lose. Hearing how bad it is and how the Dems need to up their game to save democracy is just getting old. Get your crap together America.
  9. The hubris pendulum has swung fully to MSU. Pride goeth.
  10. compare winning percentages over that time?
  11. Wasn't he reveling in the new wave of alt-right as a great new thing? I mean, come on.
  12. It really is the two americas here isn't it? One is the propagandized version designed to make racially sensitive ex-urban America feel better about itself and the other is the one in which facts and science matter.
  13. Michigan's was something something: "Describe the community you come from and how it will make an impact on Michigan's community" or near enough to that. I told him to reference the TV Show Community
  14. U-Chicago's essay question is pretty fun (paraphrased as): "People say something is as easy as pie, is that so?"
  15. The kid is into the idea of solving the problem of plastic in the environment. U-Chicago appears to be the one that fits that niche interest very well. I would always be getting asks for things like gallium and other "fun" elements for Christmas. I keep saying that he needs to go to a proper large university because he is also a huge history and writing nerd who would love nothing more than to invent his own RPG system. He is so un-street smart that I'd worry he's be eaten alive by the big school drive to drink yourself to death except he's a very wise kid. Knows what not to eat, etc.
  16. What is disconcerting to me is that Mike Flynn brother who was in the NMCC at the Pentagon is still employed by the US Army in a position of trust. The 82nd Airborne ready brigade should have been in the air and on the ground with bayonets on the day.
  17. Everyone in that crowd should have been shot a long time before she died.
  18. Known among his peers as "Suicide U" for some reason. Its on his list but we haven't visited so it holds lower enthusiasm for him.
  19. Trump's phone call to the Georgia SoS was the nail that should have sealed his political coffin. He was asking the man to lie to give him an election.
  20. My wife is a sparty and highly accomplished in life. I think the general quality of education she got plus her own native drive and intellect were fine. My interest in sending my son to a "good school" in the top 100 of whatever category is just scoreboard of his/our success raising him. The ratings are likely just junk like you say. We've been to a couple campuses on our tours. Michigan is a very nice one. UVA also very nice. Some are just utilitarian. In my own story...my terrible HS grades (we are talking Blutarski level gpa here) were mitigated when I finally realized I needed to get going: tested well on the ASVAB, joined the Air Force, got community college going, did well enough in University of Maryland overseas courses in the Air Force, got off active duty and applied for University of Michigan based on my CC and University of Maryland courses. I never had to write any essays or do well on the SAT. I showed up and worked hard because I gave a damn so it worked out for me.
  21. Some really clever person spraypainted on a scissor lift in Reston where I went and saw Dune this: I was really appreciative of the depths of historical knowledge that took.
  22. And yet, my family on both sides of the Atlantic are trying to piece together a family tree past 1815 when we have decent public records
  23. CYGNSS is a lot more than a cube sat. Its a whole network with a very important function.
  24. Yeah, its sort of a gateway space thing any moderately sized institution can pull off.
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