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Everything posted by romad1

  1. Was this a PSU had no QB thing or was this an Illinois suddenly as good as PSU thing?
  2. How are you pants wetters doing?
  3. First halfs are basically weird and don't tell how the rest of the game will go.
  4. His job is to add internet noise that causes the non-thinking, (or perhaps its best to call them critical thinking impaired) right-leaning person to say "there is so much stuff out there about fraud, i don't know what to think". Combine that with the mythos that Donald Trump is a divinity unto himself or fourth part of the Holy Trinity and there is no reason he doesn't win besides the mischief of the unholy people who are not "true America".
  5. also, I hate to say it. I'm not looking forward to the broadcast since its Gus Johnson. I really like him for most things. I just don't like him calling Michigan games because i get too riled up as it is during football games and then its him hollering and hooting at anything. I couldn't tell you the ideal TV announcer for a Michigan game now. The ideal over recorded history was Keith Jackson.
  6. I intentionally misspelled the name of the school my son is applying to along with Michigan and others. Its a game. Its today. May our homefield advantage carry Michigan. Let not the bye lead us to slovenly play.
  7. I mean, Hitler won his election...so...yeah
  8. Seriously, the problem with these goddamned no-brained wrestling fans thinking that bullshit works in politics.
  9. What value does MTG bring when she belittles the holocaust or talks about Jewish space lasers? Is that valuable?
  10. We are all made of the same cosmic dust. Each baseball player is actually just a reflection of the Ur-baseball players who played in Mesopotamia and who arrived here on the Time Ark from our as yet, unidentified home world.
  11. Herr Gruppenfuhrer Kreidler ist kaput https://www.freep.com/story/sports/mlb/tigers/2021/10/22/detroit-tigers-spencer-torkelson-ryan-kreidler-injury-2021/6139712001/
  12. My experiences with older people who had lived through 1933-1945 when i was in Germany between 1987 and 1989 were different than my experiences when I visited in 2018. When I was there in the 80s, I knew a few older ladies in our area who wore black and nothing else but apparently were not widows. They were wearing black for Adolph. The anger of the kids who ran with the Red Army Faction toward their parent's generation was pretty real and raw. The weaker shadow of it that we saw on our shores was nothing like it.
  13. It would be nice to have a block in the middle who were all Independent Senators not beholden to Mitch or Chuck for reelection.
  14. MTG does have an unhealthy obsession with AOC. I hope there is a restraining order in place.
  15. Featured in multiple Arrested Development episodes!
  16. the 6pm guy on MSNBC had Billy Kristol and Bill Kristol on and they exchanged comedic barbs. He's pretty funny.
  17. Clearly the man who can't remember a port in California during a town hall should resign says drunk doctor who gave all that adderall to the former guy.
  18. So, he's not as good at Carlos Correa? Lynn Henning hardest hit.
  19. Kreidler hasn't been playing either.
  20. Meanwhile Ronnie Jackson (the doctor feelgood of the White House) is going off about Biden not being able to remember Long Beach...
  21. It was 9 Republicans in the end. That's not enough but its a start.
  22. Has Bannon been captured yet? Will they have enough tranq darts to take him down?
  23. This country is getting too silly to govern.
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