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Everything posted by romad1

  1. I guess the Vic Tanney thing was in the other place which has been replaced by a self-help website for people who have excess cash.
  2. Rural North Carolina has no shortage of confederate sedition wear
  3. I understand the comittee members on GOP side were silent and didn't ask questions and then Mccarthey sent in the clowns (Jordan, Gaetz, Banks) to filibuster.
  4. Lots o' interesting drama in the House vote to arrest Bannon in the committee.
  5. I did a thesis on the author of The Turner Diaries in grad school. They crazy yo. Reading about it is mental pollution. The more you read about their nutty worldview and how deeply they believe it causes one to question any world view that doesn't place crushing that ignorance at the forefront.
  6. Thats not a romad original. I think i'll give credit to either Bert or Cowan
  7. Yes, yes, the current situation is contingent on WWAJD and I think that would be: Give me an all-star. If you can't give me an all-star, give me a guy who can call a game. If you can't do that. Give me a guy my pitchers don't hate who can catch the ball.
  8. Thinking over the C situation. I have to wonder WWDDD? (What would Dave Dombrowski do?) He would swing a trade for the best available C in trade market. That player might have a poisonous locker room reputation or some other reason why the other team was trading him or he could be an un polished gem.
  9. So, just a random notion creeps into my head. I wonder if Deripaska's close relationship with Mitch and Rand is going to be a thing used to get Mitch to move on some infrastructure votes. If so, it would be some pool of a not-so-clean variety.
  10. The MSU job has become the battle of the mortgage company billionaires. CFB has really taken a turn toward the swamp. Or, maybe it was always a swamp and now the lights are on.
  11. He'd be crazy not to take that payout.
  12. Shows you that he doesn't compete, he litigates. That's going to make america great?
  13. Hershel Walker reminds that Trump is chiefly responsible for killing the USFL, the last time Detroit had championship pro football.
  14. Oh, how edgy.
  15. The passing of Colin Powell reminds me that I was a real fan of his in the Clinton years. Colin Powell, military leader and first Black US secretary of state, dies after complications from Covid-19 - CNNPolitics RIP General
  16. Now this is some cleanup
  17. Consider its Seth...but
  18. zactly I'm also amused by this If, they believe this...maybe they'll buy more catheters?
  19. dirty pool but, man...come on.
  20. yeah, by all accounts he was solid.
  21. He fled this event because of press courageous
  22. Lots of drama last night for Trumpkin
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