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Everything posted by romad1

  1. Hope the mafia tactics don't work
  2. He wasn't Bernie. Once the party decided he was the anti-Bernie, anti-Warren...he was the choice
  3. Hottest take: We need to upgrade at SS. Get us someone who reminds us of Johnny Peralta and less of Willie Castro.
  4. I see the Trumpfan is posting here. Is he threatening us that he will not post in the MAGA insurrection cleanup forum if we continue to accuse Trump of causing the insurrection he caused?
  5. I had forgotten that Vic Tanny Sports was a Sinclair outfit... https://www.detroitnews.com/story/sports/mlb/tigers/2021/10/13/tigers-red-wings-stick-bally-sports-detroit-ilitches-rsn-plan-dead/8443049002/ Here is hoping that the casino interests are the sleaziest beneficiaries of my Tiger fandom and not Trump.
  6. AFL baseball where Mike Trout and other highly regarded prospects had bad seasons because they were working on other stuff. No conclusions please. its just baseball where our guys are in it and so we have a rooting interest.
  7. Tork with an RBI Double!
  8. I was subversively hinting at Miguel Cabrera with the Chris Shelton ref. Don’t mind me
  9. i've got gameday fired up for that saltriver game. Tork is DH. So, there goes that hypothesis.
  10. They will also be trading players. Let’s hope those trades are guided by reason.
  11. Apparently they did something similar in Nebraska.
  12. So, these are many more than the 4 jobs listed on Fangraphs. I count 14 although some of these are not in analytics (one is security supervisor others are in marketing etc.) https://www.teamworkonline.com/baseball-jobs/baseballjobs/detroit-tigers
  13. Tork will have to be a very special RH hitting 1st baseman to justify that draft pick. I can only think of one of those in recent Tiger history. Yes, Chris Shelton.
  14. You qualify as one of the tongue wagging nerds
  15. My gut tells me similar. I'll be voting as if the country depends on it. Hopefully the other college educated suburbanites who used to form the core of GOP vote feel the same.
  16. Virginia is a bit scary. Way too many Youngkin signs in houses who would never have had Trump signs. I think the prospect of any pol who embraces Trump winning here is really frightening.
  17. don't they start play today? Hmmm...I'll keep an eye on that. Kreidler can pitch. Edit: nope...they start tomorrow.
  18. The test is if Tork plays much 3B this fall.
  19. aka Russia B#tch per Trump.
  20. Fair enough. It was just a hypothesis.
  21. All he needs to do is praise Trump and he'll have a grift for life.
  22. and then ban him for life
  23. Roger Goodell should forgive him.
  24. Upon learning of the execution, the French writer, philosopher and playwright Voltaire satirically wrote that the British needed to occasionally execute an admiral from time to time, “in order to encourage the others.” Although his comments were written as a form of mockery, surprisingly, the observation was entirely accurate.
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