BTW, huge fan of both Maine and SF when i've been there.
Best story from visiting Acadia, National Park/Bar Harbor by boat. We are on this amazing voyage looking at the most scenery-ific coastline. Just breathtaking natural beauty. So, the guy behind me on the boat is telling the guy next to him his life story of being an addiction counselor in Bangor. He's just riffing off the worst stories of human depravity and degradation. People would sell drugs in the parking lot of the treatment center. Prostitutes who used to be pre-school teachers, etc. Something like a 99% recidivism rate...just the horrors.
I'm there with my young daughter by my side (prob about 12 at the time) and we are both glancing at each other as this guy keeps talking about the most depressing stuff while we are looking at the most wonderful scenery and I'm just like, whatever.