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Everything posted by romad1

  1. During the pre-game POD the guy who was the Bear's expert was dogging Eberflous for his calling bad challenges.
  2. Gonna be 10% for the chicoms but 25% for our neighbors. Almost like he’s an unserious ass who has a surfeit of dumb opinions. Except, he’s got a boner like a zit faced teen for dictatorship.
  3. The Chargers would be a horse or they are in some teams but the California NFL team of that name has only sort of tried that one on. The 12 year old boy mentality has a field day with Packers/Browns games. The Steelers are "good" while the Packers are "random"? Both are industrial job descriptions. Somehow white collar jobs don't rate I guess. Unless Chargers are kept women who use their husband's credit cards? There is no buffalo known as the "bill" so that's a weird one. Shouldn't they use a picture of Buffalo Bill?
  4. Susan Wiles is thinking she's going to go up against the Russian side of Trump world on behalf of Elon? Or is all this just garble from the farrago that is that place?
  5. Epsteyn is their liaison to Russian organized crime and the Russian intelligence services.
  6. romad1

    MAP PR0N!

    ahh...so the relatively higher number must be because of business travel to Europe/Japan/Korea for the automation/auto industry.
  7. romad1

    MAP PR0N!

    Michigan you would think would be higher because of the border w/Canada. Its on par with Virginia which is obviously a place with a lot of people who travel for the government. Look at Cali... woof.
  8. https://bsky.app/profile/darthputinkgb.bsky.social/post/3lbrdhhoh6k25 https://www.theguardian.com/world/2024/nov/25/dhl-cargo-plane-crashes-near-lithuania-airport Darth's account might be snarky but I think he's right to point out all the sabotage the Russians are pulling in Europe.
  9. I hope...sincerely that the Lions were holding back stuff for Thursday because i really want them to break the Bears.
  10. Yeah, i wouldn't stay at any party where they hunted you for sport.
  11. that was the best non recovery outcome for Commanders really
  12. Commanders game is just bizokers ending again.
  13. BTW, huge fan of both Maine and SF when i've been there. Best story from visiting Acadia, National Park/Bar Harbor by boat. We are on this amazing voyage looking at the most scenery-ific coastline. Just breathtaking natural beauty. So, the guy behind me on the boat is telling the guy next to him his life story of being an addiction counselor in Bangor. He's just riffing off the worst stories of human depravity and degradation. People would sell drugs in the parking lot of the treatment center. Prostitutes who used to be pre-school teachers, etc. Something like a 99% recidivism rate...just the horrors. I'm there with my young daughter by my side (prob about 12 at the time) and we are both glancing at each other as this guy keeps talking about the most depressing stuff while we are looking at the most wonderful scenery and I'm just like, whatever.
  14. The internet https://maine.eater.com/maps/best-barbecue-maine-restaurants-bbq https://amishbbqbarn.com/menu/
  15. On the shortlist of places and times in the United States I would not go to seek out authentic BBQ is 21st century Ann Arbor, Michigan. I can think of a few others: San Francisco also 21st c. When it was grittier and realer in the Clint Eastwood as Harry Callahan days...maybe Any of the major towns on the Maine downeast coast ever. Amish country, Pennsylvania ever. Waiting for contrary examples but...that was the top of my head list.
  16. Pink Panther StrikesAgain playing out on my Direct tv.
  17. Red Hot and Blue is the chain I used to go to...but I never thought they were overdoing that flag waving like MBBQ does. RH&B potato salad was crack-cocaine for me at one point.
  18. The John Oliver piece about the Lee Greenwood song was interesting.
  19. Seeing Bryce out shaking hands and kissing babies is wonderful. Heard from his HS QB coach (QB coach in HS?@@@!!!) who described his personality. Seems like a JJ McCarthy type. That's good.
  20. Its going to replace the Veterans Administration
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