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Everything posted by romad1

  1. and did more in that week than impregnate your employees and destroy the social safety net.
  2. Boots on the ground from Germany, UK, France, et al., with a no-fly zone, appear to be the thing necessary to end the War on favorable terms. I think the EU + UK need to be the construct for this given the US' support of Putin's agenda. The US ceasing cyberops against Russia is going to make Russian offensive ops in the United States and the West including propaganda on our social media and attempts to attack our elections systems much harder to thwart. The value of that to Putin/Musk/Trump will be enormous. GOP representatives need to be shamed by the public. They may never vote to do anything wrt Trump's abuses of the post-WWII collective security structures but at a minimum the shame will be correctly applied to these weasels.
  3. it will be the ultimate test of our system if he refuses to leave after his term.
  4. Coalition of the willing. https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/c9vygkzkkrvo Its nice when our ally is trying to keep its end of the collective security relationships going.
  5. https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/c0rz178el8go
  6. Even this out of touch guy gets it. https://www.freep.com/story/sports/columnists/mitch-albom/2025/03/02/demanding-gratitude-ukraine-president-trump-zelenskyy/80976569007/
  7. Trump tried to extort a democracy and country fighting for its very life for those rare earths. He's a ****.
  8. Trump is advertising on my TV his energy plan. Dude, you have the job.
  9. Remember when i said Thiessen was a nutter. This is absolute ****.
  10. Mike Johnson **** all the way off https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/rcna194385
  11. Dad out in very Republican Oceana County reports that his congressman had a town hall and was a no show. Sent his staff to hear from a very angry group of constituents. The residents were furious that he didn't show and demanded to know if the congressman even cares how angry they were. The after-church coffee clatch was very much a rage session.
  12. This is also what Zelensky was resisting on Friday. The humiliation he was trying to impose.
  13. I wonder if Musk was responding to a real person.
  14. Honestly...this is the end result. Trump and Musk are on Putin's side so... Just know I will never be on Putin's side.
  15. and another UK Prime Minister
  16. Its not like the MAGAs need a reason to be historically stupid. They are ****ed in the head.
  17. Groomers and Human Traffickers are cool in Trump world.
  18. Putin is angry that Russia is not longer the same size it was before the Russian Revolution in 1917. He feels his historic mission is to restore Russia to that size. He has armies of fawning acolytes who tell him how great an idea that is and that the multi-cultural forces in Europe are the problem. Yes, he wants Poland, the Baltic States and he wants to neutralize the power of the West to stop him.
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