I mentioned here before that I had my 9th birthday party in the lower deck in left on the Fidrych Yankees Monday Night game. The last day of school was the Friday before. Summer was starting. I was going into surgery in a week. All night I was surrounded by friends and family, some no longer with us. We expected a crowd of 20k, it was jam packed with 48k. The cheers on every out. The post-game curtain call, which was a rarity back then. From memory, almost 50 years later, I could write a 5,000 word essay on that night. Easily the most memorable day of my childhood. But ask me to write 500 words about anything I did in 2017 and I’d be stumped without checking emails or a calendar from that year. I’m so silly that whenever I watch a replay of that game I still hold out the faint hope that when the camera pans the crowd I might spot us, somehow having never noticed before. If someone offered me a chance to go back to that day for 6 hours in exchange for $100,000 I’d write a check in a heartbeat.