I started my current job on May 9, 2023 and I have not taken 2 consecutive days off since then. I do some work from home during the weekend. We're pretty short staffed so I really can't. But I have not taken a week off at all. Even when I had Covid in Oc........sorry, ROCKtober 2023, I did not take a day off, I worked from home for 3 weeks. Really only felt terrible for one day, the rest was like a bad cold. I probably shouldn't do this. I could just hit a wall. But the thought of not having goals to reach or distractions to fill my attention is downright scary to me. Scarier than the prospect of having my Social Security taken away. I am a pretty depressed person and I need things to focus on. I could happily live pretty frugally. I don't care about having the biggest and best things. My car is 10 years old now. It runs fine, as cool as an electric microbus would be, I don't really need it. It's the unfilled time that's so scary.
That's it - retire and then LIVE in a VW microbus and travel around, do the Major and Minor League stadium tour. Get a sticker from every major and minor league team and put them all over the microbus. The Baseball Bus !