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Motor City Sonics

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Everything posted by Motor City Sonics

  1. Mission for next year - Play as well against the bad teams as you do against the good ones. So odd, isn't it?
  2. Steven Spielberg wanted to direct the 2nd Jaws movie, but his vision was actually a prequel and it was going to be all about the Indianapolis (the story Quint told in the original movie). That would have been pretty awesome. Who could have played young Quint? Ian McShane comes to mind. Why couldn't Spielberg do that now (with a young actor from today)?
  3. I don't like that. Just say it wasn't working out. Any fan with a brain knew they weren't getting anything for him. A lot of dead money there, but better on the books this year and next. He was so bad, a practice squad guy or UFA could do what he did much cheaper.
  4. What about all those suitors for Jamie Collins? To me this is the first big Faux Pas for Holmes & Campbell. Don't say that unless it's true. Don't treat us like we're stupid.
  5. But wasn't there's intentional? They tried to draw them offsides, drew their own guy offsides, and then tried (sort of) again but only backed up 5 yards for the punt.
  6. Actually the back judge is supposed to be in a position to be able to see both at the same time. Plus everyone moves the second the ball is snapped, so you can judge it that way too. There is no excuse for 1.77 seconds. Is Spartan Bob from Baltimore by any chance?
  7. Wait, are you saying our congress is dishonest?
  8. These anti-vaxx people...............Sign a pledge that you believe memes over doctors and then later in life when you need some kind of surgery, go have a guy/gal on facebook do it. you'll save money and won't have those liberal elitist hands in your body. Come on, make the pledge, Money where your mouth is, Do it..........DO IT. You Tube/Facebook Surgery experts doing the surgery, it would make a great streaming channel.
  9. Term limits with national politics would have to be across the board with every single state, If certain states don't go along, then their reps, based on seniority, would get the chairmanships in congress and money would go to their districts first. it wouldn't be fair.
  10. Campbell made some tactical errors this past week. None of them were to the level of a freakout. I mean, seriously, even with the 4th and 19 conversion they left them with a 66 yard attempt. But I am fine with it. This is the year to get the mistakes out of your system. This is the year to learn what not to do for the players and coaches. This year doesn't matter, except for draft position. If he's doing this stuff in year 3, I'm going to be more unhappy about it. One of the things I am happy about was that they are not going to be married to an older player who's not working out. They put the young guys in. They had energy, they made plays. The young LBs made the secondary a little better. They made mistakes too, but you'll take that with the young guys, not guys who are 30 or over.
  11. There has to be a camera angle from behind Lama Jackson where you see the play clock in the other end zone, the same one he sees. That's the one the players use. I want to see that angle, maybe the broadcast clock was off. But it doesn't matter, the Fords won't make a fuss, they'll just keep getting beat down by this stuff.
  12. There might be some wiggle room with height, but width is supposed to be absolute. No, not the same strike zone for Aaron Judge and Jose Altuve, but my solution would be taking a photo of each player's stance and programming it in to the computer. That's not that hard to do. But yesterday the 2 pitchers had different strike zones form the start of the game, and even then the strike zone seemed to change from beginning to end. That's not acceptable. (The ump really wanted that game to end, he had to go to the bathroom or something).
  13. I've got an idea. Since all referees wear earpieces now how about a system like the NBA shot clock. When the shot clock expires there is a buzzer sound. Now, I don't think they should have a buzzer sound that plays in the whole stadium because it would have to be insanely loud and since many QBs wait until the very last second to snap the ball, if you had a snap and buzzer going off all the time it could be distracting, but how about the officials, hear a ding, like you do when you get a message on your phone and if you hear that ding before the ball is snapped, it's Delay of Game. I don't know, it doesn't seem all that radical to me (Unless there is an effort to favor some teams over others...........no way that could be happening).
  14. Overall speed can cover a lot of blemishes. Plus, it seems there may be some hints that Jamie Collins was not following protocols, playing out of position, not covering guys he was supposed to, he was kind of improvising out there and it probably threw everyone else off. I think they were better without Flowers too. They had more energy overall. Maybe because these guys are from the old regime they just are not buying in 100% to what Glenn and Campbell want................HA, Glen Campbell !
  15. That was awesome..............and my oh my did things echo down there...............
  16. You're as sick of it as I am. Makes me wonder if the ump had to take an urgent dump or something..............
  17. The only Tiger in action next year will be Robbie Grossman, who will be their MLBPA Rep, reporting to us that the two sides are not getting close to a deal. I guess the advantage to that is it will give Green, Tork, Ryan K and Co more time to develop in the minors. Will Bally's show Mud Hen games?
  18. No, there hasn't, but he does not travel anymore (could be an exception with the last road trip), but he's been in declining health and you can really hear it. He's never been a silver-tongued smoothie on the air, but he's alright. We know his history with the team and the area, so we can deal with it. I know they've used various other folks. Bring Rod Allen back. At least he's entertaining. Maybe they keep going with a rotation. I'd like Austin Jackson to get more of a tryout.
  19. I know, I got lost in the wrong thread, but my feelings towards Abreu are unwavering. He's a spaz.
  20. Last two pitches Niko Goodrum took today were not strikes by any definition known to baseball. I can see pitch height being something one can argue to a degree, but OVER THE PLATE is a clearly defined standard and I am sick and tired of hearing about This Guy's Strike Zone or That Guy's Strike Zone. Time to try it out. It hurts the game
  21. Time for Robot Umps...............The last 2 strikes were not even close.
  22. This could be Jim Price's last game............
  23. The memories.............
  24. ♫ Memories.............Like the corners of my mind ♫
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