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Motor City Sonics

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Everything posted by Motor City Sonics

  1. Anything about Casey Mize so far?
  2. I am getting tired of hearing and reading media outlets and you tube people (some actually have some credibility) saying the Tigers "failed" to sign Alex Bregman. No they didn't. He was never coming here. The Tigers were used as leverage. Offering a 31 year old (who may be in decline) 6 years and $171 million is not a failure. It's a better-than-fair offer and it's proof he never was coming here, since he seemed to be demanding at least 6 years. You could also make the argument the Tigers failed to sign Juan Soto because he was never coming here either. The big question is what will we get out of Gleyber Torres and Alex Cobb. If Torres can hit a lot of line drives to the power alleys at Comerica then it's a win. I know he's hit as many as 38 Home Runs, but that was 6 years ago. He seems to average 25 Home Runs. Switch Yankee Stadium and Comerica Park and that 25 might be closer to about 19 or 20. I think Torres may start a lot of games as a DH. Cobb? I feel like he was the insurance piece in case they couldn't sign Jack or another better starting pitcher. Don't even know what Cobb will be. I hope he's not Kenta 2.0. I'll give the Tigers a C. It was a D until Jack Flaherty came back. The Tigers didn't do anything to make themselves worse, but we don't know if they'll be much better. I feel like a good bat (other than Torres) would have been nice. I also have to keep remember that we're not in the olden times and that the league average is .243, meaning Torres was almost 20 points higher than average last year. I'd like to see that OBP get a little north of .330. Line drives, baby, line drives. I don't think they'll be any better than last year, but the top 4 in this division in 2025 might finish within 5 games of each other, so going 86-76 again could win the division or place you 4th. Really, the Guardians, Royals and Twins did about the same as the Tigers this offseason. I think the White Sox might be the most improved team, they might only lose 105 this year. We did better than the Mariners and Orioles. Actually, we should be grading LAST year's offseason since we have a year of data to look at. But last year's offseason was pretty "meh". Flaherty was an A. Chafin was a B- and Canha, Kenta and Urshela were flops. So, it was another C. But they made the playoffs.
  3. The Saint Paul Saints and New Orleans Saints will sue
  4. Had me checking.............
  5. Nashville will have a MLB baseball team by 2030. Either relocation or expansion. The other possible places are Salt Lake Sacramento Portland Orlando Charlotte Montreal Rhinelander Burlington Guam But not Indy because the Cubs, Cards, White Sox and Reds would never allow it.
  6. Never EVER trade with the Salt Lake Rays
  7. Salt Lake Scorpions. (They have many varieties of Scorpions in the Utah desert)
  8. They really seem to want to stay in FLA, even though FLA doesn't seem to care all that much. Nashville will go GAGA over a Major League Team
  9. The Rays are headed to Orlando, Nashville or Salt Lake City.
  10. What happens is that the people that run the city need to use money to run the city and not coddle billionaires. They are right to tell these rich bastards to pay for their own park, but then they suffer for being right. They've offered to help pay for things, but not the whole thing. The fans in Oakland are good fans, but yeah, they don't show up when the team sucks. Same thing as here. Comerica Park was pretty empty until the end of August. But if the Tigers pulled what Fisher did and intentionally tanked to drive down attendance "See, they don't support us", Detroit would react the same way Oakland did. So would most other cities. The A's will have more support in Sacramento than they will in Las Vegas. Sure, the first year in Vegas will be great, but after that, they'll be drawing about the same as they did in Oakland. Too many other distractions in Vegas.
  11. Does that mean they never play on Tuesdays and always suck in July?
  12. Boy, if you were a Mariners fan, how pissed would you be at this offseason? One game away from making the playoffs last year and they've done NOTHING. The Rangers are going to rebound and don't snooze on the A's. The A's could actually be sneaky good this coming season. They have gone from an ugly situation where the fans were getting their hearts ripped out, and players were getting minor leagued for showing fan support to now being in a situation where a fan base is going to be auditioning for an future MLB franchise and they will be extremely supportive. They made some decent moves this offseason. The Astros also made moves to try to keep their hold on the division. But the Mariners? Well, at least they get to be in the same division as the Angels.
  13. No, we need him for when AJ uses 9 pitchers out of the bullpen.
  14. This Red Sox thing is getting ugly. LOL.
  15. Yeah, that was when that guy reached for it and hurt his hand, I remember that.
  16. My garbage did NOT get picked up because some idiot parked in front of my house and the automatic truck could not get close enough to pick up the bin. Car stayed there for about two weeks and my next door neighbor let me put my bin in front of his house the next week.
  17. Tork for Devers. Make it happen !
  18. I took my garbage out at about 2pm once (our pick up day is Monday) because I knew I wouldn't be home until about 1am and I didn't want to make noise. One of my neighbors must have called it in because I had a warning notice on my door about taking my garbage out before 5pm.........This is on a Sunday, mind you. I think it was a $300 fine if I did it again. You want to know how much noise I made taking out my garbage late the next time? I made sure that wheelie bin made bumped everything it could on the way to the driveway. Yet, there is a woman, who NEVER EVER shovels her sidewalk or throws salt down...........and this is not an old lady incapable of doing it, either. She has plenty of physical strength to fill her backyard, garage and house with junk (she's a hoarder), but can't clean her sideway. Never gets a ticket or a warning. Ever. I take out the garbage 3 hours early and I'm a criminal EDIT: It's a non-HOA neighborhood. I'd never live in a HOA neighborhood.
  19. The teams never did anything during their careers. Cracked the playoffs a couple times but were eliminated immediately. I'd like to see Trout get a shot at a ring, unless it's the Dodgers or Mets. The Angels wasted him just like the Lions wasted Barry and Calvin.
  20. Coudn't stay healthy
  21. No, but the Browns are trailblazers.
  22. Waste of a brilliant career. See: Barry Sanders & Calvin Johnson
  23. New season. New thread I see that Mike Trout is moving to RF. Cool. That'll clear a path for Anthony Rendon to move to CF when he gets back...........in 2027.
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