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Everything posted by RandyMarsh

  1. I'm surprised they called it a catch live, normally on close plays like that they let the play out, too bad cause if they did it probably wouldn't have been overturned.
  2. Beck says he got the end of the game handshake so it appears he is done. While the stuff was still there Cleveland did put a couple of decent swings the past couple innings and less whiffs so it may be a good move.
  3. Think we got bailed out there by the Cleveland 3B coach, with Riley's arm I'm guessing runner would've scored and Kwan would've advanced to 2nd on the throw.
  4. Yeah just got to tip your hat to the RF there even though Malloy looked like he was running with a piano on his back.
  5. I hate rooting for a Cowboys win but part of me was happy they won last night. I worry that if they lost there was an outside chance Jerry finally realizes how horrible of a coach McCarthy is and finally fires him. In which case the Lions would have to prepare to play a team with a new coach which never is an easy thing imo. Not to mention a loss yesterday would have put them in a proverbial "must win" against us so the refs would've felt even more pressure to bail them out. 🙂
  6. There's really no reason for the defense to be this bad, not that draft boards mean everything but most have Grant, Graham and Johnson all being top 10-15 picks with Stewart on some being borderline 1st rounder. I can understand that alone not being enough against elite teams like Texas and down the road OSU but against most other teams you play that much talent should be enough to be a plus defense and thus far it hasn't been.
  7. Tuttle might as well be Tom Brady compared to Orji.
  8. The defense has been a major disappointment this year. I think we all knew that the offense was going to be terrible(unless Orji was better than most expected) but I thought with guys like Graham, Grant, Stewart and Johnson the defense could still be borderline elite. Not the case.
  9. Its baffling how a team like Michigan could have a QB situation so bad.
  10. BTW Holton gave up the same number of runs to the first 4 batters of the game that he had given up in July, August, September and the first 3 games of October combined!
  11. The Indians got Tanner Bibee in the 5th round of the 2021 MLB draft, we too took a 4 year college pitcher named Tanner in that round, too bad we took the wrong one though.
  12. Yeah don't know if he gets Ramirez but he may have had a play at 2nd or 3rd. If he gets that then there is either runners on 1st and 2nd with 1 out or the corners with 1 out and the infield doesn't get drawn in. Maybe the Tigers get that same ground ball but instead of getting by a drawn in infield it is an inning ending double play. Who knows though.
  13. That Mckinstry error was a real killer, things may have turned out alot differently if he would have made that play.
  14. So much for the theory that the layoff may hurt the Guardians hitters timing.
  15. Yeah assuming he always has had that I'm surprised nobody has complained about it, surely he wouldn't leave it like that unless he felt it posed some sorta distraction/deception to the batters.
  16. "When are you ever going to need to wear this 'Beat Detroit' shirt again!?1?"- Wife during the annual closet cleaninng
  17. In his defense atleast he put up a follow video eating crow.
  18. Also no offense but with the Tigers 2 hrs away from playing in the LDS for the first time in 10 years its kinda a weird time to start a hypothetical trade thread. lol
  19. Not a chance they would go for that. Jackson Merrill is probably one of the top 5 or top 10 most valuable trade assets in the league right now.
  20. I can only imagine what Campbell was like at a Texas A&M frat party.
  21. ARod had a video a few years on his YT channel talking about how there were a ton of guys throughout his career where he knew when their change up was coming for this very same reason.
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