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Everything posted by RandyMarsh

  1. Last summer I looked in depth of all the High School players drafted in the top 10ish(I didn't have a firm cut off but tried to keep it at 10 but if I saw a guy at 11 or 12 I'd include them) from 08-18(I cut it off there cause I figured 2019 and 2020 was too soon to really get an idea of them) and I found that the hit rate was virtually the same whether it was a pitcher or hitter when it came to players coming out of High School. They both hit at a relatively low rate so really picking any player out of HS is a great risk.
  2. This 14 run performance really throws a wrench in my daily pathetic Tiger offensive stats post(s) I've been starting to enjoy doing recently. It was kinda my coping mechanism for their suckiness I guess.
  3. Olsen has been impressive since we got him, atleast statistically. It appears that getting him for a half season of Norris could be one of the rare Al trades that turns out good.
  4. Wow in the last 2 weeks our position players have been worth -2.1 WAR. That pro rates out to roughly -24 WAR for the season. Just brutal!
  5. Definitely the best offensive performance of the season. Even in that route of Colorado it was mostly done with BABIP singles, this game we atleast hit 3 HRs and had a few other extra base hits.
  6. Not sure how he would be ranked but to me I think it's between him and Keith. I think them 2 along with the 2 recent big international signings in Campos and Santana are probably the 4 position players in the system that have the best chance to take major leaps in the coming years. Maybe Dingler as well.
  7. I should have bothered to click on the link and read the article but I didn't care enough to do so,lol anyway I guess according to the headline that Kenny Atchinson spurned the Hornets for their HC job to return to the Warriors as an assistant.
  8. This is true but with my experience from seeing fans in other message boards or social media nobody is more guilty of this than Yankees fans. I remember in the late 00s before I came here I was still a poster on the ESPN MLB boards and you'd often get laughable takes but none as bad as the Yankees fans on there. Chamberlain,Ian Kennedy and Phil Hughes we're basically already crowned the next Glavine, Maddux and Smoltz accept with "better stuff". Jesus Montero was "Albert Pujols with the bat but the ability to play catcher, at worst he will be Miguel Cabrera like,". I put that in quotes cause that was a paraphrased quote by one of the more active Yankees posters at the time who claimed to be a scout as well. I still remember it cause I remember the huge debates it sparked from non Yankees fans like myself. Granted this was around 08 or 09 before Miggy really hit his stride so the at worst comment about him isn't quite as bad as if it was said a few years later but still completely laughable. Austin Jackson was another one, there were legit posters saying he was going to be the next great Yankees CFer and will be a Bernie Williams at worst. These are just some recounts that I remember from Yankees fans, yeah like you said all fans do it but usually when the fans that do you will atleast get more rational fans to correct them or put out a precautions, I never got that with Yankees fans. If one said it they all went with it.
  9. I seem to remember Miggy's 3000 hit game where the Tigers exploded for 13 runs being played at 4PM. If that is correct maybe there is a correlation with how the Tigers see the ball at Comerica later in the afternoon vs. early evening. Either that or the 4PM start hits the sweet spot in regards to them getting a little more rest than a 1PM start after an exhausting night of ping pong while at the same time starting early enough where the troops feel confident that they can score a bunch of runs which in turn extends the game time knowing that with the earlier start there will still be plenty of ping pong time after the game. If they do that for the 7pm games they risk cutting into valuable ping pong and air hockey time.
  10. If these Warriors aren't a dynasty winning 4 championships and going to 6 finals in 8 years I don't know what constitutes one.
  11. haha I swear I was going to make a post with something like "It's not like our hitters are bad, they just pitch to us like we're Ted Williams." in reference to Inge.
  12. lol I know some of us on here may joke about you being a negative Nancy but you call it like you see it and 9 times out 10 you have been right and the Tigers lack of producing home grown talent is proof of that.
  13. Even though I'm starting to lean towards the get guys that already have great command regardless of stuff(to a certain degree of course) I can totally understand the approach of taking the guys with great raw stuff cause if you can fine tune them you get a Justin Verlander but if you can't you get a Riley Pint. You see it in football with QBs, teams will draft QBs with great physical tools with sketchy accuracy in hopes of the same thing, could develop a Josh Allen or it could be a Jamarcus Russell. Ditto for basketball with elite athletes with shaky jump shots.
  14. Another thing I heard just from reading chats from the various national pundits is that some teams namely the Indians who have had a ton of good starters the last several years target guys with great command with the thought that they could potentially coach or get more stuff out of them vs. the old Tiger mindset of drafting guys with great raw stuff with no command in hopes of coaching them to develop that.
  15. Yeah this is kinda what I was thinking just from reading between the tea leaves of some of the scouts I read and follow particularly the pitch tunneling. BTW I mentioned him in the farm thread but I was wondering what your opinion of Austin Bergner is? His numbers in AA look really good but doing quick google searches I can't find much in depth about how his stuff actually looks or if he is somebody worth monitoring or a non prospect. edit: I should say I have seen reports on him preseason but statistically he seems to have taken a step forward this year so I was wondering if there was any improvement stuff wise or projection wise over what people thought going into the season.
  16. I'm actually hoping the Rangers get to the point where they use position players, I want to see if we can actually do anything against them.
  17. Noted slugger Jake Cronenworth has 21 RBIs the past 2 weeks, the Tigers as a team have 22.
  18. When the pitching was going good prior to the last couple weeks I thought may be our offensive struggles could be blamed on us just coincidentally getting really dead balls cause the opposing team wasn't exactly hitting a bunch of HRs off of us either. But I can't use that excuse anymore cause opposing teams have been putting them in the seats at a pretty good regularity the past 2 weeks meanwhile we are still struggling.
  19. lol. Speaking of spin rates I can't remember who it was, I think it may have been Scottwood or G2 but they brought up a good point. About 5 or so years ago spin rate was what all the "smart" teams were looking for while teams like us at the time were still focused on velocity. Now in the past 2 years we start paying attention to that and chasing guys like that and it seems like teams have moved on from putting emphasis on that. I mean it's not that they don't care at all but they don't fawn over those numbers anymore cause hitters have already adjusted and are hitting the once unhittable high FB regardless of the spin. They will of course go for the guy with more spin all things else being equal but they now look at different factors when targeting guys. Of course the Tigers are late to the party on that.
  20. By my math we are currently getting outscored 52-9 on this home stand. We've given up 9 or more runs 3 times thus far so our total output still wouldn't have been enough to win any one of those games.
  21. He may exercise an opt out just to avoid tarnishing his record even more if he feels we're gonna be bad for awhile even if that means him sitting out a year or 2 for a job. Assuming we continue to be terrible this year and suck again next year and he gets fired he is going to have a lot harder time finding a job then. He may be able to talk teams into this year being a flukey terrible year where all the guys underperformed and we suffered through injuries but if it happens for multiple years that will be way tougher to do.
  22. I don't think a team would specifically fire anybody for Hinch but with all the openings that come available I'm confident he could land a gig if he wanted to. There's been retreads with worse track records that got hired. Not to mention I think he could smooth talk his way through an interview and convince a team that he wasn't the problem here, that he started the winning culture in Houston which allowed them to carry it over at he left etc.
  23. This may be extreme but with the Tigers inability to hit balls more than 300ft(the rare times they do they hit it to death valley) and the fact that the team isn't loaded with burners I think if a team brings in a position player and just lobs up 40-50mph pitches I think they could potentially throw a quality start against the Tigers if they have a decent enough defense behind them. Right now it basically takes 3 hits for them to score a run so even if they hit lasers the odds are that you're not going to continue to find a hole. You may string a few together a couple times to score 2 or 3 runs but there will be enough at'em balls to get the pitcher through the game with not too much damage.
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