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Everything posted by RandyMarsh

  1. For those that That was cool of Rizzo to tell Barnhart after the fact that they indeed picked up on him tipping pitches and it confirms what eagle eye Jomboy thought. Of course that is assuming the giveaway was the long look at 3rd like suggested in the video and not something else that we couldn't get a good look at from the CF camera.
  2. New thread title "Non Tigers MLB and Bible catch all thread"
  3. What's the word on Austin Bergner? Like could he be a legit prospect now? Hes currently in Erie pitching to a 2.50 ERA and sub 1 whip with a k an inning. He's 25 so he's a little old but he was drafted in 2019 so this is only his 3rd pro season. Only thing I could really gather on himafter a quick google search is that he was one of the highest ranked pitchers coming out of high school and as of the freep article from Feb he has a 93-95mph fb that can touch 98. Not sure if it has ticked up this year or what his other stuff is like.
  4. At the time of his contract it was said to be fully guaranteed by the Browns. My hope is that there were atleast some provisions about it being guaranteed if he was found guilty or if other off the field stuff came out. While I hate the Browns and normally wouldn't mind them being forced to pay 230 million to somebody that can't help them win I hate what Watson has been accused of even more and even if only a fraction of it is true I don't want to see a scumbag like that walk away with 230 million dollars.
  5. I was gonna say that but I thought that might be too unrealistic.
  6. I would feel good about the season if guys were gonna have in the future finish out the year strong. Not just young guys like Tork,Greene, Tarik etc. but guys like Meadows and Baez as well. If they get on track and we win at a decent enough clip I will feel alot better going into next season.
  7. Lange definitely looks good but it's such a small sample it's hard to know how much stock we should put into it at this point, hell that would hold true even if he looks like this all year. There's just a small percentage of relievers that are consistently good year in and year out that the likelihood of him being one of those rare guys is pretty small. It's possible which is why you wouldn't just give him away but if for some reason somebody offers you a good prospect package I probably wouldn't turn it down. Of course for the reasons I stated at the beginning are the reasons that no team would likely do that but hey you never know what is going through certain team's heads.
  8. Looking at the statcast numbers it's not like the Tigers got robbed by at em balls or stuff like that, Cabrera's hit had an xba of .780(though I do agree it very easily could've been caught) but aside from that there was only one ball with an xBA over .290 and that was Jeimer with a lineout in the 8th which was a .340 xBA.
  9. I remember last year when Tarik Skubal shut down the Yankees Michael Kay went to twitter and said something like "How can the Yankees get shutout by some nobody named Tarik Skubal?" Granted Skubal's season numbers weren't the best at the time but he was in the middle of a bit of a roll at that point after the disastrous April. Not to mention being one of the 2 or 3 best LHP prospects just the summer before. When the Yankees have a prospect like that all of them treat them like the second coming of Koufax but for other teams they are nobodies in their eyes.
  10. I don't watch as much Cubs games as you do but spending many weekends at my family's place in Grand Haven where the places often play their games I've gotten to watch quite a bit of him over his career so I have a decent idea of what he is but I just don't ever remember him looking this bad for this long of stretch. Maybe I just didn't pay as close attention since I didn't have a rooting interest though.
  11. Unless Baez lost his eyesight over the offseason or he has some other injury that nobody knows about I suspect eventually he will start hitting. Maybe not to what we hoped but atleast start looking respectable cause guys generally don't just fall off a cliff like this at the age of 29 without some sorta injury.
  12. Even the one hit while hit hard was right at the SS. Just cause of how hard it was hit you had to count it as a hit but truthfully that's a play that most SS make more times than not.
  13. Baez reminds me so much of Delmon Young right now. Yeah Delmon atleast hit the occasional long ball and had better numbers than he is putting up right now but I'm just talking about the overall approach at the plate. Just wildly swinging at anything with the hopes that maybe the ball will somehow find your bat.
  14. A serious tip of the cap to the Yankees starters. Their starters the last 3 games had a perfect game into the 8th, perfect game into the 7th and a 1 hitter through 7 innings. Yeah the Tigers offense sucks but still that is unbelievable!
  15. Finally we catch a break from a home plate ump!
  16. Hinch should tell Baez to just go up to the plate and keep the bat on his shoulder. If he takes 3 fastballs down the middle for strikes so be it. Better than whiffing on sliders way off the plate.
  17. I seriously don't think I have seen Javy get a hit when I was watching him at the plate all season.
  18. In their latest stretch of offensive futility the Tigers have scored in only 4 of the last 35 innings.
  19. The ball must look like a ping pong ball to Javy right now.
  20. With the way things have gone this series I'm surprised the ball didn't pop over the fence when it came out.
  21. Brieske gives up close to 1500ft of flyballs but makes it through the inning with only 1 run against him.
  22. That's a little bit better. I must've misread his post then cause Sportz is usually accurate about his numbers.
  23. That's what I thought initially but on the replay he wasn't close to going around, if that was indeed the call that may actually be worse than it being a called strike. And as I type this Judge with a leadoff HR. That didn't take long!
  24. Schoop gets called out on strikes on a ball at his shins.
  25. lol, Sportz posted something on his twitter yesterday that I couldn't believe was real and that is that Barnhart only has 1 extra base hit all season and that was a double. Like how can you go almost 2 months with only 1 extra base hit?
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