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Everything posted by RandyMarsh

  1. Atleast that led to this classic headline.
  2. I think the real reason he is excited is cause he knows its going to feel like a day off covering our receivers and facing our qb.
  3. Baseball in general is just so random so in turn so is the playoffs. The Tigers in the midst of their 9-24 start swept the Astros at home earlier and nobody really batted an eye at it. Something like that would never happen in other sports yet it happens on a regular basis in baseball.
  4. Unless nobody was interested they should've traded Grant at the deadline. He'd be a fine piece for a contending team but doesn't have a ton of value for us at the moment.
  5. McShay updated his big board. Has Thibs at one but has Willis all the way up 6. The next QB is Picket at like 25.
  6. Yep. I didn't hate the Hockensen pick at the time cause I thought he would compliment Golladay and Jones nicely and would be a good weapon for Stafford but in hindsight they probably should have gone in another direction.
  7. The last time the Lions bottomed out they got fortunate with the ensuing drafts. While Stafford had question marks and some pundits and fans even wanted them to take Curry he was still a considered a premium talent and of course ended up being one. Then the following year arguably the best defensive player to come into the draft since Julius Peppers was there for us. Unfortunately it doesn't look like we are getting that lucky this time but who knows, maybe we get Thibs this year and next year one of the QBs breaks out in college and becomes can't miss and we end up with him too.
  8. Next year will only be their second season of the rebuild, I think it's unrealistic to expect them to make any major strides by the 2nd year considering how bare the roster was to begin with and the fact we don''t have a good QB. I'm hoping next year we show progression from players that Holmes and company have drafted/acquired and win some more games but barring some miracle turnaround from Goff(or great rookie year by QB if we draft one this season) I don't see how we finish any better than bottom 5.
  9. I'm definitely not opposed to that and you're right the upside is huge but the one big risk you run is barring a miracle come the 2023 draft when we have a top pick we end up passing on a superior QB cause we just drafted one the year before.
  10. I was in Vegas like 10 or so years ago playing some slots, it was the first time I really played any of the new computerized ones that have like 50 paylines. Anyway a few minutes into playing the machine siren starts going off and all these flashing lights and "big winner" starts going across the screen. I get really pumped until I see the payout was only like 3 bucks(I think I was betting 75 cents). I looked at this presumed regular sitting next to me and say something like "Damn what a buzzkill I actually thought I won something good" to which he replied "You must be new, they go off like that all the time to trick people into think they are winning more than they are."
  11. I kinda said this in last week's game thread in tongue and cheek but I think there may be some truth to it and that's that Harbaugh is still saving McCarthy for when he needs him. I think he feels that McNamara is steady enough as the "game manager" that there is no reason to put JJ out there at the moment and expose more film on him or risk him getting hurt but now that we're getting into the meat of our schedule he just may unleash him more and catch opponents by surprise.
  12. Agree with many of yours but I'd make a couple changes. Dorothy-Dakota Fanning Scarecrow-Christoph Waltz(since Scarecrow gets the most screen time as a supporting actor Waltz gets that part) Tinman - Kurt Russell Cowardly Lion-Goggins Wizard - Samuel L(Not a perfect fit for him but he has to be in a Tarantino movie and this is probably the best role) Good witch - Margot Robbie Bad witch - Uma Thurman I'd like to get Samuel L in there but I can't find the right role for him. Cowardly Lion -
  13. I wouldn't be opposed to taking a flyer on a qb in the middle rounds. It's a risk but the reward is extremely high. You may just get lucky and find the next Dak, Cousins or Wilson.
  14. I really don't care either way, there's reasons I want either to win and reasons why I want either to lose. I want the Astros to win due to Dusty Baker and future Tigers legend Correa. I want them to lose due to them winning a few years ago and my liking for different teams to win. With the Braves Id want them to win due to the aforementioned preference of somebody new but also cause I respect how they persevered after losing Acuna and falling below .500. The chop and battle cry is the obvious reason to root against them. So with all that said I guess Ill just root for a good series that produces some memorable moments.
  15. There may or may not be a qb in 2023 they like either but that's a chance you have to take vs. taking a guy now that you don't 100% believe in. Plus even if there isn't one to be drafted, in this day and age qbs seem to hit the trade market more and more often and if we put together a solid supporting cast perhaps we could attract one to want to play here, even if that means giving up future draft capital.
  16. Just imagine how many barbecues and games of horseshoe those bad boys have participated in.
  17. Same here, Im just not sold on any of the guys and they have too many holes elsewhere. Ideally Id go Thibs and top receiver with the Rams pick but that all depends on how the draft shakes out. Just like I don't want them reaching for a QB, I don't want them reaching for a WR either. Id go best non oline and QB player available with the Rams and 2nd round pick unless you have a receiver really close to the top. Say you have a d lineman at the top of the remaining players and a WR at 3 I think id take the WR even if he isn't the true bpa.
  18. Kiper has Pickett as his new number 1 QB but just 15th overall prospect.
  19. So assuming we get the same comp pick as last year that would mean our 2nd round pick which would be around 50th overall I'm guessing.
  20. Correa's injuries appear to be more of the fluke variety than anything. One of the years he that he missed a bunch of games was due to torn ligaments in his thumb from a headfirst side that caught the catcher's shin guard. Another injury was a broken rib that sidelined him for 6 weeks. Granted the cause of the injury was weird(he says it was a massage gone wrong) but still its one of those fluke things that shouldnt be an injury that has any lasting effect. Other than that he missed time in 2019 due to his back which may be of concern but in the 2 years since he hasn't had any issues with it so hopefully it's behind him.
  21. Yeah the game was different even 15 years ago much less 30 or 40. Not only is there more emphasis on passing there are just more rules to make it harder for defenders. It was much harder for a receiver to get open back in the day due to how lenient the dbs were allowed to play, not the case anymore. And all this doesnt even take into account how much more protected QBs are which makes their life even easier.
  22. Mize with late movement Fans at Copa are rockin One nice area
  23. ESPN announced that GameDay will be coming to East Lansing for the game. That was a bit surprising since Fox is doing the game and their kickoff show will already be there but I suppose it's the only worthy game this week.
  24. Perhaps the one downside of being half way decent this year is not having that early Rule 5 pick to get excited about at the party.
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