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Everything posted by RaceDog

  1. It's Groundhog day. Every game 1 team makes all of the plays and gets all of the bounces and the other team (the Tigers) makes unforced errors and the ball bounces the wrong way. What a stretch of games this has been.
  2. They're being outclassed by every team so far this year. I thought there was gonna be a decent amount of improvement this year...wrong so far.
  3. Wow....this team...whew....
  4. IS the offence more offensive than it was last April...seems like it.
  5. How cold is it in LA tonight....must be cold as the Tigers still are only getting singles.
  6. Wentz looked good other than the 1 pitch that was crushed by Stevenson. Kreidler looks like he's for real.
  7. I've been watching football for 45 years.....this 4 game weekend has been the most entertaining week of football in that time....hands down!
  8. Not happy about the Rams winning is OK in my book, but not being happy for Stafford and his play + winning today is just sad. The guy was a warrior for this franchise and was always a team oriented guy.
  9. Forgot this one
  10. His day is coming.
  11. 2 in, 1 to go
  12. Future Hall Of Fame Autograph
  13. Hall Of Fame Autograph
  14. The Hall Of Famers
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