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Motown Bombers

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Motown Bombers last won the day on January 8

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  1. I can't believe he hasn't announced he's changing the name of New Mexico.
  2. It's interesting how his full MAGA didn't come out until the black woman became the nominee.
  3. Trump on day one just pardoned 1,400 more people than Biden did in his entire term.
  4. A MAGA duel.
  5. I just didn't think the Bears was a great job given the dysfunction, and Johnson seemed to want to avoid dysfunction.
  6. There's a **** Biden sign by me about two blocks away from a school. It's on the main path to the school. I should see if it's still up.
  7. You get what you vote for. #Dearborn
  8. Glasgow is still the backup center. With the emergence of Mahagony, Glasgow may not even start if they re-sign Zeitler.
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