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Motown Bombers

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Everything posted by Motown Bombers

  1. Lyndon Johnson had MAGA figured out 60 years ago.
  2. Guessing this means Engstrand is gone.
  3. I like how after Naziholic clutched his pearls over politicizing this crash, Trump has been nonstop politicizing it.
  4. The mountain is only so big.
  5. I had him on ignore so I didn't see this. Good riddance. It must have been exhausting having to defend Nazis because he hated trans people.
  6. I mean the press is paying the same bribes. See ABC.
  7. I saw a lot of draft consensus that had him as a 1st round pick had he not been injured.
  8. Imagine when we are all dead and they are explaining in history class how the wealthiest nation in the world with the strongest post-COVID economy ended up electing this fat oaf.
  9. When is Biden going to do a photo op at the crash site?
  10. Is Naziholic clutching his pearls?
  11. Someone needs to explain Wisconsin to me. How do you get a liberal lesbian and MAGA Ron as your senators? Ironically, Johnson would be the DEI hire as he had no experience before becoming senator whereas Baldwin spent 6 years in the state government and 14 years in congress before becoming senator.
  12. Stop politicizing this!
  13. Kind of curious on the status of the wall Mexico was supposed to pay for from his first term 8 years ago?
  14. You always know when MAGA hasn't received their talking points yet because it's always quit politicizing this.
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