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Motown Bombers

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Everything posted by Motown Bombers

  1. I mean, that's exactly what happened. This woman from Baldwin voted for Biden in 2020 and then switched to Trump because he lied about free IVF.
  2. Guess I don't see how liberals are supposed to win over people who follow a guy who lies and has no shame. The only way I see is having them touch the stove like the woman from Baldwin. She believed Trump over Harris. She acknowledged Trump was a horrible person. She knew it but still voted for him. It was ok as long as it wasn't happening to her. I see this a lot with MAGA. They hate Obamacare because they thing it's something only black people get but don't take away their ACA. There needs to be a lot of stove touching. Dems can't be the helicopter parents anymore.
  3. I'm just saying do what MAGA did to win voters. Tell them they are poisoning the blood of Americans and will eat your pets. Tell them West Virginia is a mountain of garbage. Promise to ban Christians and deport white people.
  4. Only liberals are asked to accept these people. After 2020, all MAGA did was say the election was stolen and Biden wasn't a legitimate president. They tried to undermine Biden at every point and Trump was publicly cheering for the economy to collapse. MAGA said Latinos were violent criminals who are poisoning the blood of America and need to be kicked out and they were like where do I sign up.
  5. Why is it Democrats are the ones who have to accommodate Trumpers and Republicans did nothing to bring Democrats to their tent after 2020? Trump called Latinos murderers, rapists, poisoning the blood of Americans, accused them of eating dogs and cats, and promised to deport them and they started flocking to Trump. This woman believed Trump more than Harris. She believed the white man and not the black woman. She even acknowledged what a horrible person Trump was and still voted for him. What are Dems supposed to do with these people? They've been warning them for 8 years.
  6. Give me a break. A college educated woman was this clueless about Trump? She even admitted she voted for Trump even knowing about his sexual assault. I'm calling bull**** on no one in Baldwin talks politics. That's where they wave Trump flags and have Trump parades. She can **** right off. Her ignorance is no excuse.
  7. It's actually a Freedom Phone. It's a $120 Android they sell for $500. It's a free speech and privacy focused phone. Basically it's a cheap Chinese Android that they put a bunch of right wing apps and a flag wallpaper on. It's also endorsed by none other than Candace Owen who likely gets some sort of kickback. Freedom Phone
  8. Apparently, the dog was found dead as well. My first thought, if no foul play, is carbon monoxide poisoning.
  9. Can Americans get vaccines in Canada?
  10. She used to be attractive. She probably has self esteem issues. It would explain why she left Newsom for junior.
  11. It's literally "temporary" pain so we can get the economy to what it was under Biden.
  12. Off the top of my head, I think it's the Celtics when they added Garnett and Allen. This is a more organic improvement.
  13. Lions overall rank 9th. Sheila got a B+.
  14. Susan Collins is concerned.
  15. I find the Lions coverage to still lack a little on Bluesky.
  16. I've noticed a lot of these people who are anti-vaxers or anti anything, usually start off with something like "That's what they want you to think" or "what they don't want you to know." Being contrarian means you're not a sheep and are very smart. You know something everyone else doesn't know. I call it the Aaron Rodgers effect. He thinks he's an intellectual because he bucks established science.
  17. I sent John James a follow up. I also asked him why he supported cutting Medicaid and Snap, why he doesn't speak out on the tariffs that threaten auto jobs in the district and why he supports Musk cutting VA funding and firing thousands of vets. Since the only thing he can talk about is his military service, I asked him if he is a loser or sucker. I await his canned response.
  18. My father has dementia and is getting to the point where he will need 24-hour care. With cuts to Medicaid, I don't know if that will still be an option. At least those trannies won't be playing in girls' sports.
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