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Archie last won the day on December 20 2024

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  1. You don’t have to look too hard to find dumb things posted here including the political section.
  2. Most of the people charged were not violent offenders. If I remember correctly the common charges were unlawful entry and trespassing - nothing worthy of a prison sentence.
  3. You mean like how Biden did to Trump with the kangaroo court in NY? People will be charged if they commit crimes but I think the days of a weaponized DOJ are over since Garland and Biden are gone.
  4. Sorry Barney but nice try. The pardon proves how corrupt these people are. Nevertheless its a great day and President Trump is now in office and the country can heal from the Biden disaster.
  5. People who do nothing wrong don’t need a pardon.
  6. If there was any doubt on how corrupt that the Biden family and his political circle are it was all erased in the last couple days. Biden pardoned his family and political allies. That shows the world how corrupt they are. They wouldn’t have needed a pardon if they had done nothing wrong.
  7. Allowing men to compete against women doesn’t just take away the rewards of their performance when men come in and out perform them. It puts their safety at risk. These men competing against them are bigger and stronger and many women have been hurt. Besides women have enough competition with other women for making teams and getting scholarships. They shouldn’t have to compete against men too. Women’s sports are there for a reason. It seems pretty hypocritical when someone says they support women’s rights and they’re concerned for their safety when they support men competing in women sports and sharing their locker room. Democrats have been doing this for a long time and this election it bit them in the rear.
  8. You are probably right that a lot of people are going to have to prove their citizenship. That is not the fault of the incoming administration. That was caused by Biden and Mayorcus for letting millions of people, including dangerous people on terror lists enter the country illegally and did nothing about it. Now the incoming administration has to clean up the mess and it’s a very big mess that has endangered all of us. I also don’t understand the fear mongering about women. The incoming administration is not going to change anything with abortion. They are also going to help women in athletics by keeping men out of women’s sports.
  9. I know. No matter how big a disaster was created or how many times you explain it they can't see the light. I never understood how anyone can be so married to a political party. It happens on the right too.
  10. I voted for the best candidate. Next election your party will have to nominate a good candidate in the primaries instead of forcing a terrible candidate and an even worse VP pick on the country. The results of the election were not a surprise to eIther side.
  11. But his marbles are and most people are convinced he's lost his.
  12. Saying Trump has turned politics into the wild west is a big stretch. Don't forget what party came up with all the false accusations against Trump during his Presidential campaigns and after he was in office. Also don't forget the false accusations against his SCOTUS nominees and presented them like they were some kind of truth. Both sides have had their part in the deteriation of American politics but the dems have led the way.
  13. That’s not true. Most media are left wing and some are very far left. CBS, ABC and NBC prove it daily. Look at the debates where the moderators were fact checking one side but not the other. ABC just settled out of court for false accusations on Trump. Then you have NBC which is home to Kristen Walker and F Chuck Todd -two of the most biased reporters around siding for the democrats all the time. Some of the cable outlets have realized they have to pay the light bill and are trying to cover Trump more fairly and objectively but are still a wolf in sheep’s clothing. Trump and his administration are a breath of fresh air after four years of complete disaster from the worst administration ever. Government needs to fundamentally change for the safety and prosperity of the American people. Most of you here are puppets to a political party so you are hoping Trump fails. If he fails so does the country. He might be our last chance to fix things.
  14. I saw this a few days ago. This shows how stupid these people are and how little they know about firearms. If any soldier in battle had an AR15 rifle they would be in deep trouble and highly outgunned. A AR15 is no more suited for war as a hockey stick is for golf.
  15. That's what it is in our area. More patients out in hall than in rooms. Lots of police too with people cuffed to chairs. Going to the ER is last resort.
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