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Everything posted by Archie

  1. You can't expect him quit or retire. He isn't going to give up $30+ million to help the team and I don't blame him. This is all on management. They should or could've offered him a front office position or quietly made a deal with him to retire and he would received all his money. He's in his farwell tour now so I don't see anything happening but the hate toward miggy is misguided.
  2. I'm sure the fight with DeSantis may have played a small part but I doubt it was the deciding factor. Disney is not doing well and is cutting everywhere. Besides the mass layoffs going on, they just announced they are shutting down their star wars galactic starcruiser that opened a year or so ago at WDW.
  3. You thought they were great when Bannon was involved. Now when they involve Sniffy or his drugged up boy now they mean nothing. Strange how partisan politics work and how people are led around by their party.
  4. Wow, im shocked to find even more false info on this political forum. Ingraham's show was on last night night. You folks really should get better sources. You should know by now all liberals do is make up things to try to discredit the other side.
  5. Its not a ban. It gives them 12 weeks to decide if the want to kill off their child which is more than enough time.
  6. You post all this to deflect from your original post that was 100% false. It would have been a lot easier and quicker to admit the mistake/lie and move on. Nothing you have posted says a bump stock turns a semi-auto firearm into a full auto. A bump stock will allow a person to fire slightly faster but they are incredibly inaccurate. Rate of fire with a bump stock is around 250 +/- rounds per minute but a user is limited to how long they can shoot by overheating of the barrel. An auto like an M16 can fire around 900 rounds +/- per minute and are designed to do so. Big difference. Another point of mine proven in this topic is a few days ago I made a comment that people here feed off each others bad info and outright lies. I see your bad info was cheered on but your fellow liberals that are just as clueless on the topic. Congraulation!
  7. I feel the TIgers have a better chance with Lorenzen on the mound than anyone else but ERod.
  8. I have to compliment you for going against the party line and speaking the truth.
  9. Sorry but that is false. A semi-automatic fires one cartridge or bullet with every pull of the trigger. A bump stock does not change that. Do you have any data to show sales figures of bump stocks because I couldn’t find any. Me thinks that is your Trump hatred shining through and you’re trying to pile more bad info on.
  10. Automatic guns??? Who is using an automatic firearm also known as a machine gun? Do you know the process to purchase an automatic firearm and how long it takes? Do you know how much one costs? Do you know you can't buy a new one and it has to have been registered before May 1986? You should do some research before posting something 100% false. But then again 90% of the posts in the political section are false so your buds here will give you an attaboy.
  11. That would make this place boring for me. There wouldn't be many people left for me to talk politics with.
  12. https://www.cnn.com/politics/live-news/trump-russia-probe-durham-report/index.html He also said the FBI had no reason to launch the investigation. That confirms it was a political witch hunt. The FBI should not be a political organization and investigate real crimes like the 51 intel officials that interfered with the last election by lying about Biden laptop
  13. Sounds like we need to ban baseball bats
  14. From the reports I have seen the situation has been under some control thanks to the military. They have used razor wire at some illegal crossing points and not letting people through. Strange how well a barrier works after the dems kept saying it they don’t. It just shows how much democrats support an invasion of illegals. Unfortunately thousands and thousands of them are still getting in. We need more military on the border using any means and force neccesary to secure and close the border. I am surprised Biden hasn’t pulled the few that are there if they are doing good. They want all the illegals they can get to cross and are fighting an order they can’t mass release people in the US.
  15. Do you know that more Americans view Biden like the photo I posted than the other? Last I saw over 60% of the people didn’t feel Biden was mentally competent to hold office. Also, you do realize this is a board where people share their opinions and not everyone is going to have the same opinion? That does not make anyone a troll. Perhaps you should add a disclaimer on the Politics board that says “Everyone is welcome as long as you have the same opinion as the few regular posters.” That way everyone can visit their safe place and not have to deal with reality. You can ban me if you don’t like my opinion. I don’t plan to waste much time here. If you look at my post from a couple days ago I explained why.
  16. Detroit usually struggles on their west coast trips. Hopefully they can give a little payback to Seattle this weekend.
  17. This is more like it...
  18. You are right. I do live in a very dark place. It hasn’t been that way for long, only since corrupt dementia Joe Biden took over. What is sad is that the policies and actions of Biden and his party have jeopardized the safety of my family and every American in the US. I stopped by a gun shop today to get ammunition. It was so busy that people had to wait outside. One good thing and probably the only good thing about Biden is he is a great gun salesman.
  19. I can see not much has changed in this forum. There are still a lot of blind followers of a political party feeding off of bad information or misinformation and ignoring reality. There’s nothing you can do for those people because they live in their own fantasyland. There is no point in arguing or debating taking guns away because it will never happen. And yes millions of people own firearms for self protection. They are walking next to you on the street or in a store everyday. I’m sure you all have heard the saying “take a knife to a gun fight” and if that is what you prefer to do then that’s up to you. If you don’t know how to use a firearm or are frightened by one then you shouldn’t have one and that goes for everyone. As for someone taking your gun away and shooting you with it as a reason people should not have a firearm, well that isn’t even a consideration. Yes ,it can happen and has happened, even to police and soldiers in battle but its unlikely. You can ignore the invasion of the southern border but that won’t fix the problem. It’s one of the worst security issues the US has ever faced and it was done intentionally by this administration. I do believe that the majority of these people coming in are not here to be good people. They bring drugs, crime and violent crimes. As long as it doesn’t happen to you then it doesn’t matter. I hate it happening to anyone and we need to border secured and Biden and Mayorcus will forever be known by this failure, like Carter is for Iran. This situation is unexceptable for even a third world country but that’s where we are headed under the current failed administration.
  20. Tigers had so many chances last night and couldn’t make it happen. Time for a little redemption today.
  21. What you are missing is that the vast majority of people carry a firearm to protect themselves and their family and not to be that good guy with a gun. A persons ability to protect themselves and their family is more important than ever with the failure of the Biden administration to protect our borders. Thanks to Biden or whoever is running that disaster in the White House, more and more people will be carrying firearms so you better get used to it when you are in public. Its going to get a lot worse real soon too.
  22. Bringing Short and Ibanez up and leaving Kriedler at Toledo doesn't make sense. They sent Kriedler down because of his stats but he was only playing once in while. It would seem like it would be best to get him regular work to see if he will sink or swim. Having him as a regular for a few weeks isnt going to jeopardize a playoff run for this team.
  23. Deleted.
  24. You guys have short memories. Remember when all we heard about from democrats and some peeps here about how the "Trump" wall was a waste of money, its racist and it doesn't work? I guess not. Years ago Biden, Schumer and a lot of other dems said we need a wall built. When Trump does it they are against it. This is a big part of the problem in politics today and its hurting our country. When one side does something good the other side will condemn it just because the idea came from the other side. Now that Biden is constructing some of the wall its OK. I'm glad they are doing it and should put up as much as possible. There are a lot of security issues on the southern border and it needs to be secured.
  25. Battery life is another big issue. First there is the disposal. What are they going to do with all the bad batteries? Then there is the cost of a new battery and disposal of the old one. I have no idea what a battery replacement costs but I have heard its going to be very expensive. Numbers I've heard -and no idea if they are correct - is $6,000 to $12,000.
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