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Everything posted by Archie

  1. The 50k number I used is a little less than my new truck cost. I was lucky to be able to get one. Similar used trucks with up to 100k miles were still in the 40s. Nothing is cheap right now. I don't know how EV will go over. I still think the majority of people will avoid them and auto mfg that are going to mainly all EVs will be in trouble. A lot of things will have to change to make EVs practical and I don't see that happening for a very long time. They are probably good for around town driving but taking a long trip would be a problem.
  2. It looks like the border wall does work after all. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/biden-administration-to-finish-portion-of-trump-s-border-wall-following-pressure-from-democrat/ar-AA104Erf
  3. I agree with you. How or why is this happening? That's why myself and many others say that passing new laws will not do any good until they figure out how to manage and implement what they have. What good is it to have a law or process that nobody adheres to.
  4. Actually that seems pretty low. A $50k car or truck is more of the average if it isn't higher. A $50k loan at 3.5% is over $900 a month for 60 months. As for houses and mortgages its even worse. There's still plenty of $200k to $350k house available (in my area) but a $500k to $600k price range and higher is more common. A 30 year mortgage for $500k @ 6% gives the borrower a payment of almost $3000 a month. I used to complain about a $1000 a month payment.
  5. The Ferrari produces more downforce than the Bulls. I think Charlie will be the guy to beat going into the weekend. It would help his strategy if contacted Bottas to see if he could do his bowling ball impression and take out both Bulls in turn 1 of the first lap.
  6. Tire management is something Lewis has been good at his entire career. Of all the current drivers I think Alonso the best at it. Alonso is getting on in years but he is still a great driver. If he would have managed his career better and been with better teams he would be one of the all time greats. I think he still is but he doesnt have the results he could of had. Charlie shouldn't beat himself up too bad since there's a very fine line between driving on the edge and out of control. As great as Senna was he was in the same position more than once.
  7. I'm glad they brought Clemens back. That will help save Harold's arm so they have enough pitchers to make it to October.
  8. No bail is a democrat policy is NY. It was first signed by Cuomo before he was caught being a sexual predator. It allows many violent offenders to walk free while awaiting trial. This is getting more common among democrat's in office. Gascon is doing the same thing in LA. At least the people in San Francisco seen the light and recalled the liberal DA who was soft on crime. The guy who attacked Zelden after Kathy Hochul who is his political opponent and current NY governor told her supporters to show up Zelden's campaign stops and called him dangerous. Based on what democrats accuse Trump of doing on January 6, Hochul should be guilty too. When will the hearings and impeachment start in NY?
  9. I've said many times on here that democrats and their policies are why people are in danger and feel the need to arm themselves. I don't think it was mentioned on here because the attacker was one of the guys on your team but Lee Zelden was attacked during a campaign stop. The attacker was arrested and taken to jail but a soon released even though he is being charged with a felony. Yes, its a felony to attack a sitting congressman. The attacker is violent and a danger but democrat policies lets him roam free and endanger the public. You can ignore it all you want but the fact remains that democrats and their policies are dangerous to the country and its citizens. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/us-rep-lee-zeldin-attacked-stage-new-york-campaign-event-witnesses-say-rcna39493 https://www.cnn.com/2022/07/22/politics/lee-zeldin-attack-suspect/index.html
  10. They might as well since they are in the back anyway.
  11. De Vries had a nice run in the Merc in first practice. He was a little more than a half second off Russell. Not bad for little to no time in the car and about where Lewis is with George in session 1. The Brits will still bang their drum that Lewis is the GOAT though.
  12. This is impossible because Joe himself said Covid is a pandemic of the unvaccinated. Its another rough week for Joe. He said he had cancer a couple days ago because of an oil slick and now covid. Polling numbers are worse than ever but the good thing is he can't remember a thing about any of it.
  13. Nope. The current batch of democrats is the biggest threat there is to our country and democracy.
  14. I'm sorry you feel that way. I will try to do better but I won't become a liberal for you. I have to draw the line somewhere.
  15. Barney as in Barney Fife. You are too young to understand but don't get your sensitive feelings hurt because its a term of endearment. If I wanted to offend you I know a lot of bad words. And here I thought we were friends?
  16. Nice post for a 8 year old. If you are a doctor why don't you go to Washington DC and help biden with his dementia. Jill could use a break feeding him too so you will have plenty to do.
  17. Thats funny. The guy who supports freedom, safe and fair elections, the Constitution, law and order, national security, etc, etc is called an embarrasment. At least I'm not on here calling people names that don't agree with me.
  18. They should all be removed from office. Their job is to make laws, not to protest a SCOTUS decision. If they knew their jobs and the Constitution they would understand the ruling. Its easier to act stupid and anti-American than do the job you were elected to do when you are a democrat. They are an embarrassment to the country. Thanks for posting their names.
  19. You are continuing to beat the same dead horse. Reagan should have never continued in his condition but it was hidden. The same is happening now with Biden. You should be worried about the present danger to this country and the citizens and not continously rehashing something the happened decades ago that doesn't matter anymore. Ronnie died a long time ago. Go back to the well or toilet or where ever it is that liberals come up with excuses. I know but Trump,but Trump.
  20. You can start with liberal policies that make the US less safe. Soft on crime, open borders, condoning terrorist acts and political correctness are just a few of the causes. The US isn't the safe place it was for those before us. People didn't carry firearms in the 1950s because it wasn't needed. Thanks to things listed above people need to protect themselves.
  21. Slo Joe is more than suspected of needing one. He is a mental vegetable most of the time. He gets lost getting off a stage, talks to people that aren't there, says things that make zero sense and can't complete coherent sentence. The only reason he hasn't been removed is because Harris is worse than Joe is and she doesn't have dementia.
  22. It could have been a lot worse had it not been for the armed citizen. The bad guys will always find a way to get a gun or other weapon if they are set on hurting or killing. Thankfully there are law abiding citizens that are armed since we can't count on police to be there until after the crime and when they are we don't know if they can or willl do anything.
  23. Good thing too. The shooter was taken down by another armed citizen. You missed that little detail.
  24. Its been a bad month for Joe and his people. He has sold part of the strategic oil reserve to China and Europe. Apparently a company Hunter is connected to is involved in this. The Biden crime family gets richer and richer. Jill Biden compares Mexicans to tacos. Biden begs middle east countries for more oil but won't increase US production. Now, a Saudi official has said Biden didn't ask about Jamal Khashoggi. You can't trust a word that any Biden says. Joe really needs to take a cognitive test. He is unfit for office and certainly should not have access to nuke codes. Biden's handlers won't let him take one because he can't come close to passing. At least Trump took a cognitive test and passed.
  25. Much respect for being a Ranger. Also my family has been in the auto repair and towing business for decades. It takes a lot of knowledge to be an ASE Master Tech.
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