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Everything posted by Archie

  1. Are you aware that almost all of these mass shootings took place in gun free zones? They broke the law taking a gun into the schools so why will they all of a sudden obey a new law?
  2. I wonder if he can be out for the rest of the season? I'll take Daz or Hill over Grossman at this point.
  3. Now that's funny. I must have a few decades on you.
  4. I don't know if you're serious or not.... Barney Fife, the Andy Griffith Show. Those examples are just a couple from this weekend. There are many other examples where people defend themselves and save lives legally but I don't want to waste my time and yours posting them all the time. Yes, bad people do bad things too but thought you should see the other side.
  5. Is Hinch making these roster decision or is Al the one that wants all the pitchers? The team management this year is almost as bad as Ausmus. Hinch is trashing all the goodwill he earned last year with the fans.
  6. You missed a couple Barney. Let me help you expand your knowledge... https://www.wpxi.com/news/trending/ohio-homeowner-shoots-intruder-during-attempted-break-in-police-say/3RLH7PYRFBDSJEPLYDZZM6CT3M/ https://fox4kc.com/news/good-gal-with-a-gun-woman-with-pistol-kills-gunman-at-party/
  7. I'm not racist so race doesn't factor in for me.
  8. I am having a change of heart after hearing about the cluster F that happened in that school with the police and seeing the parents standing outside helpless. Some police are trained better than others but when it comes time to do the job some of them aren't up to it. The example here should be the father who is the border patrol agent. He borrowed his barber's shotgun and went into the school looking for his child and helping other kids. He did what he had to do as a parent while the police were doing god knows what. As I said in my last post...when the shit hits the fan you are on your own and you should know what to do and have the tools to do it. You have a choice...be like the guy who went in to get his child or sit and wait with the other parents. If my child or family is in danger I wouldn't be waiting helplessly.
  9. One thing I hope everyone has learned in this tragedy is you can't use the excuse that the police are there to protect you to take guns away. Police officers are everyday people like we are and most aren't going to put their life on the line to save you or your family. This isn't the first time police have not responded. The officer at Parkland didn't or wouldn't go in the school either during the shooting. If the shit hits the fan you are on your own. Its better to be prepared.
  10. To me Baez is biggest concern. He looked terrible last night swing at forehead high pitches.
  11. Come on Barney, we've been getting along so well too. Nowhere did I say that. If ypu look at the bold part of the quote I said its already being done. I have no issue with a background check.
  12. Where did I say I was opposed to those things? You are spreading false information but I understand that's normal operating procedure for liberals. Background checks and proper ID are already required. The background check sometimes take days and sometimes a few minutes so there can be a waiting period. If you hold a carry permit, you skip some of the paperwork. That is the process in Michigan. It varies by state. As for abortion, if the mother's life is in danger or the pregnancy is a result of rape then in my opinion an abortion is justified. Abortion should not be a form of birth control.
  13. Why should I not be able to protect myself and my family? This country is very dangerous and the democrats and their policies are to blame. It will only get worse as long as they are in office. I'm not too worried because there is no way they are taking guns from people.
  14. You care about kids? Ha! You were one of the people here supporting abortion so like others here that's just more political theater. All you really care about is supporting an agenda of your political party. The hypocrisy here is over the top.
  15. You believe nothing should be done to prevent perfectly healthy unborn babies from being killed so how are you different from Abbott if he truly will do nothing to prevent children from being shot? If you are saying Abbott wants kids to be shot I think you're way off base.
  16. Everything you propose only hurts the legal gun owner. What's your proposal to take illegal guns off the streets and out of the hands illegal gun owners. How to end the hundreds if not thousand of kids being shot in places like Chicago?
  17. Abbott isn't evil and the guy writing that is more evil than Abbott for saying that. Disagree with someones politics doesn't make them evil. The killer was evil. How could someone do what he did and not be evil.
  18. They are supposed to release a timeline about this today that is reported to be down to the second. We will see. I haven't said anything about them so far but it does look bad. I can't imagine being one of those parents outside hearing the gunshots inside and believing the police are doing nothing. If I were them I would have done anything I had to to get to my child. It wouldn't have been good for anyone trying to stop me and probably me either but I would have put my life on the line to get to my child. A couple of people were able to get in the school including the border patrol agent.
  19. Some of these comments show complete ignorance to the issue. When you have no argument you resort to lies and name calling. You can always tell who the liberals are. Then another person goes from an abortion expert to a body armor expert in less than 24 hours. I bet you've never seen anyone hit wearing body armor? If you think someone wearing it is Superman, let me assure you its not the case. Go ahead and think your ignorance will protect you....I'll keep my firearms. Thank you!
  20. I know what the law is but I was asking for your liberal opinion on what you think it should be. I think you know what I was asking and you're just deflecting.
  21. Your guns are bad argument doesn't hold water when you support mass abortion that kills far more. By the way, the reason a lot of people carry firearms are to protect themselves from the looney leftist in this country that condone violence of terrorist organizations like antifa and blm. You know the groups like like to physically attack people because they don't like their opinion. But babies are bad so wipe them all out. Good grief its no wonder this country is going downhill fast.
  22. Oh really, so how far along in a pregnancy should an abortion no longer be performed?
  23. Do you realize that the vast majority of people carrying firearms are law abiding citizens and not the people you have to worry about? It the people who are carrying illegally are the ones that are dangerous. If there was anyone armed at any of the shootings that could have returned fire it could have saved lives. Its very difficult to carry a firearm in NY so its basically a gun free zone. The easiest thing to find in a gun free zone are potential victims...a lot of potential victims and that's why they are so popular with cowards that do these shootings.
  24. You're looking at it all wrong. Just consider it late term abortion and you and many other democrats will think it ok.
  25. Not really. There all kinds of false info from the Biden admin about inflation, jobs and the economy. Except Joe doesn't know it because he can't remember what he said or doesn't know what he's going to say next. Just because someone doesn't believe something is bad doesn't mean it isn't. A former MSU basketball player was shot and killed last week. The guy who shot him believes he was justified so should we would just let him walk? When someone says guns have killed more kids that abortion it's a very ignorant statement and takes all credibility away from their argument.
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