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Dan Gilmore

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Everything posted by Dan Gilmore

  1. Nail it to the perch.
  2. Eric, could you provide specifics to your claim that Dems loved tariffs/then hated them/Biden kept them in place. And not just fringe Dems, or opinion pieces. For the record the Biden administration did retain some tariffs, but dropped others. Tariffs may effect some voters deciding who to vote for, but choosing Trump to fix international economics indicates a limited grasp of reality.
  3. But did they fire Dom, the security goon? Didn’t the Eagles season start to crater during the SF game when he poked Greenlaw and got him kicked out? F that guy.
  4. Using Hill as an example for WRs is like using Brady for QBs. They are the definition of outliers.
  5. It would be a real shame if the Rams team bus broke down on the way from their hotel and they had to walk miles through icy conditions. Yeah, a real shame. 😎
  6. @pfife does that new one have a hollow neck, like a Weissenborn?
  7. It is Kimmel’s job description to tell jokes and he does that on a wide range of topics. Congressperson or NFL player? Not in there job description. Free speech, yada yada…false equivalence is all bs. Bottom line: if someone gave you a hard time about your covid opinions would you consider that as much an attack as them accusing you of pedo rape?
  8. Pogo had it right.
  9. Which carries the Trumpublican lawless stance: he crimed but we don’t think the rule of law applies to him.
  10. From that first list I would add Ibanez replacing Maton. The pitching will sort itself out, as mentioned, and Olson would be the likely replacement for any injury (or for better performance).
  11. One of the witches, and one of Trump’s campaign managers.
  12. One of the reasons for “not finding enough” was AG Barr limiting and distorting what was found. It was still a witch hunt that actually found witches.
  13. I think the three posts above are all good. They cover different takes on Biden, Trump and the population that are accurate IMO. Sorting out which of the three holds come election time, too soon to know yet. One quibble I have with Lee’s take: I think a significant number of voters are more fearful of Republicans now than in 2016, and Trump and his grip on the party won’t be able to overcome that due to their ratcheting up authoritarian and confrontational stands. That and the multiple legal jeopardy.
  14. Drew Lock FTW
  15. I think we all understand the idea and see that it has some tactical merit. However, voting for any of the turds that supported Trump and the Big Lie is something I can’t do. They don’t believe in the Constitution or the law and deserve scorn. Just being better than Trump, while still kissing his ring is just a slightly weaker form of evil.
  16. And Cam is just a wardrobe manager.
  17. Although the marine air does cool things inland, it can be quite hot and dry when you get away from the beaches. I lived there for a bit and have visited my resident relatives frequently. Nice place for a vacation, but I wouldn’t want to live there. And that includes traffic/freeway hassles.
  18. Since we’re doing the whole escalation and exaggeration thing, this strikes me as a “suicide by cop” effort, forumwise.
  19. I’m more of a Bailey Quarters guy.
  20. Good job ‘splaining, Rob. I wasn’t a fan of the show either, but see the ripple effects it made in the industry.
  21. As long as they are willing to return the player to the original club, assuming he’s not providing value, I am okay with taking a shot at one. Agree that having a strong enough roster to not go looking at a Rule 5 is the goal.
  22. Being held accountable for one’s actions and facing justice for criminal acts. In Speaker Johnson’s morally challenged world, those are considered retaliation. **** him, he doesn’t believe in our constitution.
  23. And Hurts, already dinged up earlier, is still playing down 42-19 with 4 minutes to go. Really stupid.
  24. I would second the Eagle Rare/Four Roses. Del had done. 👍
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