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Dan Gilmore

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Everything posted by Dan Gilmore

  1. I remember it was a bat’s head-don’t see any denial of that! 🤨
  2. My (hazy) memory was he was teaching somewhere like Spokane or WSU, or across the border in Idaho. Maybe @IdahoBert knows more?
  3. I tend to find the use of multiple exclamation points are best reserved for something really significant.
  4. Okay, since we are doing the guitar addiction thing… got this one last week, from Japan.
  5. Glad to see things are back on track with IG posts after the detours. 😎
  6. Now that I see the other thread has been started, maybe my post would go there?
  7. If Vierling can play 3B (too early to say), and if Keith can field 2B adequately (another IF that the answer is currently unclear about), I think some of those holes could be filled. In my brief ☹️ look at the Dodgers prospects, they have two catchers almost ready. If we had acquired Dalton Rushing it would have been great to ease him in with Rodgers. Maybe they can pursue Rushing in the off-season. Not sure what that would take. Agree that Baddoo is being passed by Meadows.
  8. That was what my post above was about. Getting it wrong in criticism of Drumpf just makes it easier for the MAGAs to dismiss all criticism as fake news.
  9. I listened to the clip and did not hear Drumpf say the word “to”. Which changes the meaning entirely.
  10. The photographer told him to switch to that to fit the layout. Damn graphic designers (my ex-career)!
  11. Dude is weird.
  12. Ask not for whom the toll bails, you bails for the Tigers.
  13. I, for one, am enjoying the swine-free posts.
  14. It’s not like he would use a library or exercise room. And his food tastes should be easy to provide.
  15. I would challenge that having USC gives you the west coast. Big fan base, yes, entire region, no.
  16. Don’t forget that key parts of the insurrection gang made it very difficult to get evidence or testimony. Meadows and others refusing to testify, deleting phones, etc. The indictment is for conspiracy, and conspirators tend to cover their tracks. We are still finding new info about the crimes. I would have wanted much swifter action too, but understand why that was difficult and hope the extra time makes the case both stronger and more complete.
  17. “protesters” smdh
  18. So many assumptions, so little direct knowledge.
  19. There are still more indictments on the horizon, and while those won’t keep diehard MAGAs away, they should weaken support from others, as would convictions. And so far the lame opposition on the GOP side has been playing possum as far as criticism of Drumpf. Whether that matters, or changes out of desperation, I don’t know. I expect some will feel they need to differentiate themselves by being more critical. Much of the electorate won’t pay much attention until this time next year. Lots could happen between then and now, but I doubt much of it will be good for Drumpf. Maybe if he can beat the wrap on most of the charges. I think the cases being brought have enough weight to make that unlikely.
  20. The beatings will continue until morale improves. 😵‍💫
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