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Dan Gilmore

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Everything posted by Dan Gilmore

  1. Well it is in their name to be lazy.
  2. The analysis of the problems are good (Haase/Miggy), it’s the binary action plans that could use some nuance IMO.
  3. Exactly, number 7 had just picked himself up, a little slowly, after Elmer had crushed him, he was the guy that should have pressured him before the goal. Instead- wide berth.
  4. Other than that, juusst a bit outside. 😎
  5. Seven years is an arbitrary cutoff. The rankings would shift around if another timespan was chosen. Not a good look for Miggy either way, just noting the construct.
  6. Needs more fiber
  7. I assumed it was going to be about the young players wardrobes. This is good too. 😎
  8. Are there paper towels to be tossed to relief workers?
  9. Just a guess, but I think they will try and thread the needle with Miggy’s playing time next year. Not release him (mostly for PR) , hope he rests up and can have enough health to perform at a low, but not awful, level. Limit his games, with Carpenter and/or Meadows able to DH. See if that keeps the knee healthy enough to produce close to what he did for a short stretch earlier this year. But be ready to DL him (60 day?) if he falters to the level he’s been on for the last couple moths. There are roster composition problems with carrying him that way. Maybe he gets 200 ABs and sits a lot. Maybe he objects and it all blows up. I just don’t see them cutting him loose to start the season, or going forward with the idea he’s the regular DH. How big is the eye of the needle?
  10. That has been on my mind too, and beating the Sux is always good, but thrice so no.
  11. Also, not someone who might be out of baseball after a cup of coffee, but will still want to be able to say “yeah, I struck out Albert Puhols”. Conversely, the old guy might think, here’s my last chance to get some fame, as the guy who served it up.
  12. Thanks for the awesome landing spot when we had to bail out.
  13. We’re all pissed to some degree about the team, and venting is probably a good thing on a personal level. It’s a forum, so let the opinions flow. Speculation about the search, or CI’s motivation seems ungrounded in factual info and more so in individual disgust.
  14. Did Quintana have a NTC?
  15. Viña, it was all about Viña. 😎
  16. Thanks for the snippets.
  17. It certainly worked with Stan. What a dolt.
  18. Maybe the boat had an open window.
  19. Agreed, one solid SP (not a flawed one) is all I think is reasonable to hope/expect for that part of the team. A BP arm or two. Getting a RH RF with power (not easy to find) would be high on my list. And moving Meadows to a DH role primarily. If they can really limit Miggy to no more than 300 ABs, maybe he’s slightly healthier and not an empty SLG hole for months at a time. Other than that, roll with Kreidler, hope Turnbull is back, and generally better team health. Oh, yeah and a good GM.
  20. I have a Ministry of Silly Walks teeshirt from the seventies. 🥸
  21. I think it’s fine to admire QE, and think the rest of the family are duds. And not pay much attention to them, while respecting her.
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