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Dan Gilmore

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Everything posted by Dan Gilmore

  1. So in a restaurant setting, your chances of the person sitting ten feet away giving you covid are lessened if they have been vaxxed. Not perfect, not ideal, but lessened.
  2. This was my perspective too (along with the point G2 made about the difference in personal health and community health relating to masks). The vaccines don’t STOP the virus but they DO slow the spread. Mostly through reduction in loads and making the vaxxed person a less effective carrier. Is that not correct?
  3. I think that using terms like punishing, rewards failure, or even just failure, fairness, not trying - they all seem misapplied to baseball organizations that are big businesses. Just happen to be big businesses in a sport we all love and follow. Of course there is the anti-trust issue… Until the two sides agree to play again I guess we can debate this sort of thing, but it seems rather disconnected from how things go IRL.
  4. After seeing the NHL lottery reward mediocre teams with the top pick many years, while truly talent starved teams picked much later- don’t do that. Even if the weighting of chances is done in a progressive manner, it has too often led to unintended results. I would expand it beyond three teams, but much fewer than all non-playoff teams. Five? 8?
  5. Do they have Bonds biceps and elbow armor in the Hall?
  6. If you think sticking up for Steve Doocy is an honorable thing, you’re FOS. If you think Steve Doocy doesn’t dishonor journalism, you’re FOS. He’s not even good enough to be a hack.
  7. The $9+ burrito one was Pitchbot, no?
  8. Here’s hoping Biggs doesn’t have your home address. 😎
  9. I’m sorry that you are tired of hearing that, maybe take a nap. It’s true. Coming into office during a global pandemic that has killed millions is a huge mess. Whether you’re tired of hearing it is of no concern to me. I have never posted any graphs here on any topics. You quoted me. Build your strawman on some other turf.
  10. When the Trump administration arrived in 2017 there was a task force with virus epidemic systems spelled out. A playbook on how to deal with the type of situation that happened a few years later. The Trump folks tossed it out-like so many things they trashed purely because it as a product of the Obama people. That was bad enough, but as others have mentioned, the focus during Trump’s time in office was keeping the stock market high, not containing the virus spread. Yes, the vaccines were developed quickly by scientists, but at the same time Trump himself was saying really stupid shit about bleach and hydroxycloroquine and bright lights. Always downplaying the dangers- We’ll be done by Easter, or we’ll be rockin’ by July. Biden has made mistakes, but he has been in the position of cleaning up a massive mess that Trump made worse in many ways. The vax skepticism has cost tens of thousands or more lives in the US and Trump failed miserably in terms of advocating for it. He strives on creating chaos and could have used his influence in a positive way. He did the opposite.
  11. Do any of the cards have pine tar on them? Asking for my friend, Billy.
  12. She’s thirteen, of course she hates you (sometimes). I mean, we all do 😎
  13. DC Ticket Scalpers?
  14. I’m onboard. Ignore activated.
  15. That makes sense to me, and also the probability that the decision was not based on one criteria. Family time, plenty of money, pain/health issues, covid, scheduling-travel. And maybe he has a plan for the next phase that he is excited about. Since we are all just speculating, how about he’s always wanted to have a cattle ranch in Montana (or raise dental floss)? Travel the world? More power to him and his family.
  16. Not sure how well documented this is, but my understanding was the the sense of being thirsty ebbs as you age. When my dad was in his nineties we had to be sure he drank enough liquids. https://health.clevelandclinic.org/drink-up-dehydration-is-an-often-overlooked-health-risk-for-seniors/ Not saying the over hype on the other end is valid (and yes, QB science and research is BS).
  17. Enjoying the snow?
  18. I have seen a couple of commercials based on A Christmas Carol that seem totally screwed (scrooged?) up. The Mercedes Benz one shows the past and present as dirty and filled with suffering -okay. But the future has “him” getting into a luxurious MB and then the camera takes us out into the bright sunny open road. Leave the Cratchet family behind - no Christmas feast for them, maybe some exhaust fumes lingering in the air instead. Scrooge, or any wealthy person can and should wrap themselves in a hundred grand of leather and steel and floor it. Leave reality behind, no lessons learned, no compassion for others, no awareness. Who wrote and approved of that ad? Assholes. Merry Christmas
  19. While I think giving other posters derisive names is generally poor form, in the case of our recent conspiracy nutjob I am willing to make an exception. His links and posts are full of lies that in our current times are dangerous to our society. Therefore, I dub thee: Wiz Drips I am reminded of a quote from Dame Edith Sitwell that applies to him: ”I am patient with stupidity, but not those who are proud of it”
  20. I wouldn’t expect Garneau to make the team out of (Spring?) Training unless one of the other two is dinged up.
  21. I had hopes for Daz, but so far they haven’t turned out to be much. Hill’s D is so good that I can put up with marginal O, just not sure of his healthiness. So both are flawed. As is Reyes. Moving to Canada? Sounds okay. Based just on stats, Reyes is an okay option among three suboptimal choices.
  22. Lettuce not quibble about spelling.
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