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Dan Gilmore

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Everything posted by Dan Gilmore

  1. I don’t think people had him as more than #4 or #5 OF for next year, so the brakes were already being applied. It’s more that he has done well of late and Daz in particular has not, while Hill has durability questions. Reyes dug his way out of a nontender hole, but not much more.
  2. Keep Mize, buy bats works too
  3. Yeah, Lynn, trade him for a bat 😡
  4. LaRussa is a drunken hemorrhoid.
  5. I’ll get back to you after I Formosa an opinion.
  6. This was the sixties.
  7. When I was in sixth grade in Urbana, Illinois I was told I could enroll in University High School the following year. Probably would have gotten a better education if I had, but I turned it down, sticking with my friends at Urbana High. George Will went to Uni, and I didn’t want to hang with his ilk.
  8. Thanks for the game updates. ⚾️
  9. Hey Bert, I,m here. (Until I have to clock back in for work, grumble, grumble).
  10. Reyes is still only 26 (27 next season), he might have a little more improvement yet. Plus he should be cheap.
  11. So what’s the setup here? Limits on feedback (likes)? Glad to be here, and glad to see the folks that made the journey. 🙂
  12. Greetings, morans
  13. JB -CCG we are skewing the forum demographics here. High percentage of Oregonads.
  14. Hello, old friends.
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