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Dan Gilmore

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Everything posted by Dan Gilmore

  1. How about we consider something beyond W/L? Like FIP, or ERA+.
  2. I wonder if a significant number of farmers in Iowa have factored in how a tariff war would impact their livelihood.
  3. His contract is such that the Yankees can tag on another year (at $$) to override his opt out.
  4. Yes, Ian. Miss him.
  5. Flaherty sees his next contract $$$ sale out over the right field wall, twice.
  6. My son is on the very crowded ellipse.
  7. So, can Gibbs, Branch, Joseph or LaPorta scate?
  8. Defending a known sexual assaultist, one who has bragged about doing so, yeah, that is about values. You are giving the benefit of the doubt to someone that deserves none. This is a forum, not a court of law, so whether it is ever proven isn’t the issue. It’s who you choose to defend and excuse.
  9. Yeah, it’s a pathetic lack of values.
  10. JD, what an immoral turd.
  11. Regarding the map, I checked what it said for my state, Oregon. The map and the simple field in the sheet says “No ID Required”. Except the next field says you do need a drivers license number to register to vote. The whole state is vote by mail. The ballots are sent to your official address in your name and you sign the ballot when you return it. I guess some would say that allows for another person to use your ballot and forge your signature. But to lump it in with the “No ID Required” label seems very incomplete if not inaccurate.
  12. How long is the other Williams (Isaiah) supposed to out?
  13. Doesn’t Adams have a huge cap hit for next year? Would you want to invest $80 million or so of your cap in him and Rodgers for 2025?
  14. Stole this from another forum.
  15. Well, it’s been a fun ride here the last couple months. Appreciate you fellow morans.
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