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Dan Gilmore

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Everything posted by Dan Gilmore

  1. Following up on them using only LHP- then they intentionally walk Verling, who comes around to score on a wild pitch. It’s the Whitesux way.
  2. Welcome home, Zakk.
  3. Yeah, it was your doubt that spurred them. Sure.
  4. My son just got back from the White House. He was performing as part of the Marine Band in a celebration of the 25th anniversary of The West Wing. Sorkin and a lot of the cast/crew. He said it was a great event and he especially liked a brief Martin Sheen speech that was kind of Jed Barlett lite.
  5. That Vance quote should be in ads. Although he is almost Trumplike in having so many FOS takes that choosing one is difficult.
  6. Give it a rest, boss.
  7. It’s a great day to listen to Jason call a game. in this case, the Ducks/Beavers game. 😎
  8. Mmmm, bark…
  9. I think it relates to the “don’t take him literally” BS. Cult members eat it up completely, on the fence voters may not see it as that far out, we see it as totally nuts.
  10. Voters tend to have short memories. They remember food being cheaper back in the Trump presidency, but may have forgotten much of the chaos (particularly the voters who don’t pay much attention). So saying something we consider obviously crazy doesn’t just inflame the cult members, it points attention towards the nascent racist leanings of some outside the cult.
  11. Thanks Romad, for the background info. I had always thought JD stood for Jumbo Dork, which really suited him.
  12. This could go in several threads, dropping here.
  13. Typical MSM story-the reporter was instructed not to ask the Haitian dude for cat recipes!!! It’s all rigged!
  14. Let’s get that wall at the border with Haiti up ASAP!
  15. My take is that McVay is an egomaniac.
  16. Regarding the idea that Trump voter defection all happened back in 2018 or in 2020, I think J6 happening after that would add to the defections. And to the intensity of independent voters who might be tempted to side with him. Not everyone of them, of course, but enough I am fervently hoping.
  17. During the worst of covid I would sometimes get grocery orders and pick them up in the dedicated parking spots. Most times it was brought to me by people that appeared to be under 25. Several of the young guys would use boss, as in “want me to close the hatch, boss?”. It seemed like a generic term, one they threw out dozens of times a day, with no caste/power implications IMO. I hear it far less now (and don’t do grocery orders) so I assumed it was a slang term that had its day and was fading out.
  18. Just got back from watching Sing Sing. Highly recommend.
  19. Thanks for asking…it’s been pretty good. My gf and I are on the same lot now after putting $ and effort into converting a detached garage into a nice living space and workshop. Some adjustment there, after having lived 5 miles apart for the previous 9 years. Sharing expenses has made my SS income workable. She will retire in a year, which will be another adjustment. I am very lucky. How has your retirement been? Sounds like you are traveling quite a bit. We have done some traveling but not a big one yet. Scotland and also a trip to Switzerland and SW Germany are in the plans.
  20. The deepest state!
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