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Dan Gilmore

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Everything posted by Dan Gilmore

  1. And that’s when you make lemonade, or in this case, beat that horse every chance you get. Do it, do it now. 😎
  2. Does he put his right hand down on the back of his thigh? Hammy?
  3. I will watch at least some of it, just to see how they are coming across onscreen and then get the takeaways here and from the press later. I don’t think this one debate should be the deciding event for a voter, but it could be if one of them dominates. Not that I expect that.
  4. Leaving it all on the field. ⚾
  5. Future considerations…🤔
  6. I feel the need to say: Franyerber!
  7. So many to choose from.
  8. Or maybe we shouldn’t be looking to dolls of any type for inspiration of military duties. Or listening to anyone who thinks that we should.
  9. Well, it’s still lunchtime here on the West Coast and I already have gotten my daily limit for stupid reading the last page or so. Carry on.
  10. Being pinch hit for by McKinstry-not a good thing on your resumé.
  11. Let’s hope the lights are better, much better, up in the big leagues.
  12. Cool, I am out of likes for today (already!) -congrats!
  13. Yeah, I doubt Anthony Blinken will ever call Biden a F***ing moron.
  14. I think there is some decline for both. Just that Biden has enough actual governing ability that he is still quite capable of being president. That might not hold for the next four and a half years, but it’s still better, IMO, than Trump who never had much going on upstairs aside from his ubergrifter spoiled rich boy “smarts”. His loss of any capacity, after showing how poor of a president he was years ago… can’t lose what you never had.
  15. Same as it ever was.
  16. What are five words you never hear, Alex?
  17. That’s his build after he gained 25 pounds? I was a beanpole at that age too, but beer helped add a few pounds shortly.
  18. Right, whom of us hasn’t shoved a partner out a window?
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