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theroundsquare last won the day on June 20 2022

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  1. for the grounds crew, ticket-takers, drinks-sellers?
  2. Pot, meet kettle
  3. Skubal 3IP, 3K, 1H. Jays got to Foley, who followed Skubs
  4. insert gif of joe nathan giving non me interessa
  5. we have no CF right now
  6. when Javy is back at SS we'll see how Colt is adjusting to 1B
  7. I was afraid this was real until I saw that it was from Bert
  8. what does jobe's gf look like
  9. These are great, thanks for sharing. I thought I knew a lot of Tigers from the 1990s but I couldn't come up with their names. I had a lot of instances the way I remembered Dave Borkowski -- local guy, pitcher, later played for Houston -- but I couldn't remember the names.
  10. Meh, he's too likely to wind up injured
  11. Ah, memories of Karim Garcia. He was the best player in Mexico, y'know
  12. But only if they won. Losers don't get juice boxes
  13. I remember being puzzled by that, too. Hamelin's LH power seemed like a good fit for Tiger Stadium. I always just chalked it up to Randy Smith being a bozo.
  14. that outfield looks . . . short
  15. he hasn't hit LH pitching much since 2019. i'd sooner roll with Vierling-Ibanez
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