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Everything posted by theroundsquare

  1. I gather the Brewers must have a LH starter tonight
  2. Wow, that's a blast from the past
  3. This. With a new stadium and all the hype of the new location, the franchise value will inflate. Sell high!
  4. Indeed. I guess it depends on how hot the hot streak is, i.e., if the peak is enough to raise the upside such that it outweighs the variations
  5. this is just off the cuff, and maybe the analogy doesn't work, but if you have pretty much any statistic (or financial asset as I'm thinking about), you can analyze its performance by standard deviation. Somebody who is streaky will have their overall average, but their periodic deviations are going to be greater than somebody who is not quite as streaky. In general, something -- a statistic, or an asset for example -- with greater standard deviation is not as valuable as the same something with lower standard deviation. So in that sense, too, streakiness is bad. PS: I think that Gehringer_2 maybe said this, too. Or, this_2
  6. Who are the two guys on the right in that pic? Also, I read once that doves are also assholes in the bird world, notwithstanding their symbolic association with peace
  7. Eduardo Rodriguez v. Kevin Gausman
  8. I always hated the Jays, based on the games in the 1980s. Still do, mostly.
  9. Perhaps they'll feel complacent. Or the rings will weigh down their hands and make their swings slower. Call me an armchair body language expert, but I thought everything about Wingenter said "nervous" last night. He didn't seem that way on Monday. Maybe being out there for the ninth felt different to him? I guess we probably won't see him today anyway as he's pitched two consecutive days.
  10. Witherspoon went to Tulane. Maybe he's the valet for Jake Rogers' moustache?
  11. OMG the pod made me cry today
  12. i thought ibanez was a contender for a roster spot. cesar hernandez is probably feeling pretty good
  13. I sometimes grab a pack at Meijer, usually can find single packs in the toy section or near the checkouts
  14. not to defend Shepherd, but do you blame him if he is in fact surprised
  15. My thoughts exactly. If nobody has given him an opportunity in the bigs yet, I bet there's a really good reason for that
  16. I would like to be done with the Jonathan Davis Experience
  17. Hunger striker who died in prison in Northern Ireland in 1981
  18. Matt Vierling is made of steal. I mean, that's what I heard the Tigers want him to be made of.
  19. I read once that using your off hand like stimulates brain activity, so i started using my left hand for all kinds of things leading into a licensing exam that i could not fail. i don't know if it worked, but i still brush my teeth, use keys, and sometimes eat, left-handed. it's kind of fun. i digress
  20. I wonder if Johnny's wife thinks that Savannah is more cosmopolitan than Detroit
  21. Plus Kate Beckinsale and Emily R. Whew!
  22. Let me know when the wheeled warriors show up
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