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Everything posted by theroundsquare

  1. Evan Longoria for 3B? Maybe Harris can influence him? Maybe Chris will pay? I expect that the corpse of Evan Longoria is better than Candelario
  2. he had a couple really good seasons for the Reds, bigger problem was staying on the field
  3. I would be surprised if there are 10K fans on Sunday at all
  4. remove. he's all done now
  5. And in the one year not shown here, it was .292 (in 2019).
  6. I don't know if I ever thought that blonde woman was ugly, but there was definitely something weird about her look. I don't need her or any of the betting commercials. It's worse than the Bernstein law firm
  7. I don't disagree, but what is the comparison to these particular guys? Where they offered instead of Rogers-Perez-Cameron?
  8. i guess if we want to ditch him it's the same either way. no way he declines the option
  9. I thought it was a straight-up two-year deal through next year
  10. pure speculation. but that is along vaughan road. why are we talking about this.
  11. I've seen it too many times before. I still expect nothing.
  12. This is how I understood it, too.
  13. must've been game 4. twas a sunday. colder than [insert preferred simile here]
  14. All this talk reminds that it was almost 10 years ago. Christ. We've had disappointment and unmitigated sucking since then.
  15. Do rosters still go to 40 in Sept? I recall there were some proposals about that as part of the CBA
  16. I remember Ernie talking about Pudge getting married at home plate on a broadcast back when the Tigers were at the Rangers in the early 90s, he was saying how lots of players used to do that back when
  17. At the back end of this, they should have had Trammell getting some hits and making some plays, and the very last shot should have been him flipping the ball to Lou, closing with a zoom-in on Lou
  18. I remember that very specifically
  19. I'm not here trying to defend Avila but I read the "we weren't trying" part to apply to Skubal specifically, not the trade deadline in general
  20. Joey Gallo going to Chavez Ravine to hit balls over the mountains. I fully expect the Dodgers to get him back to form
  21. What I saw was that Washington was only picking up Hosmer's salary for the remainder of this year anyway. If SD is committed to the deal, just cut him loose. Sunk cost.
  22. I still had hope for Derek Hill. He just couldn't hit. Does that really distinguish him from Robbie Grossman tho?
  23. I don't know if we have seen enought to be able to say it, but I wonder if the recently-errant throws from 3B and SS show how much Tork was doing to save those guys
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