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Everything posted by Hongbit

  1. Donovan Edwards need to limp on the field and make a huge play.
  2. Does Ryan Day get Eberflussed if they lose this game?
  3. Is it the right play call if the guy is wide open but your QB isn’t skilled enough to make the proper throw?
  4. Think this is going to be another call that goes against Michigan.
  5. Davis Warren is the rare QB that throws better on the run than from a clean pocket.
  6. 15 years ago, Chip Kelly was an offensive genius when he brought the tempo offense to college football. Turns out he’s a one hit wonder. Everyone copied his offense and it became so common that defenses figured it out. He’s got nothing else in his bag. It’s no different than his time at UCLA. Better athletes, same terrible play calls.
  7. Very interesting model detaching football from the rest of the athletic department and essentially giving it their own AD. There are many programs that would benefit from this structure.
  8. The refs. Yet another terrible end game call that favored the Chiefs.
  9. Caleb was going too slow and shouldn’t have changed the play. The end game is all on the head coach. He needed to jump in and call timeout with 16 seconds. Controlling timeouts is 100% his job. Huddle up and call a 10 yard out to the sideline and bring out the kicker to tie. Instead, they never got a clean play off and went to the locker room with their last timeout.
  10. Nah, his rookie QB put them in a position to win. Eberflus took the bullet as he should have. Yet another example of the NFL’s Peter Principle dilemma. Great defense coordinator but completely lacking the very different leadership skills needed to be a head coach. This was very obvious to anyone that watched Hard Knocks over the summer. Eberflus is all X and O and very little of anything else.
  11. Malik Beasley legit ****ed his mom. That’s got to count for something.
  12. Available International bonus money will play zero role in singing Sasaki. He could sign with anyone for $200-$300M if he waited 2 more years in Japan. This isn’t about the money. It’s about wanting to play right now in MLB. I expect he will make more in endorsements the next two years than he will from his MLB contract. He’s going where he sees the best fit for him.
  13. Red Bull Is essentially out too. They only have one driver capable of points. Amazing season from Max to fight through a crazy second half. Still not exactly sure how RB fell off so much.
  14. It’s got to be the agents. It was a big reach when the Giants drafted him so high. The draft day criticisms of being all athlete and not great with making the proper read have been proven in the NFL.
  15. I’ll be very surprised if MSU’s star freshman WR Nick Marsh isn’t wearing maize and blue next year. Kirk Campbell is 100% out as OC. There’s no doubt there. It’s just a matter of who they find to replace him. On another note, I’m currently trying to figure out if there’s any reason for me not to take the 10.5 points today seeing as Michigan hasn’t won a game by more than 10 since week 1.
  16. Wasn’t sure exactly where to put this one. Columbus, Ohio has undergone incredible growth over the last 25 years. It is now undoubtedly a major American city. Yet, it’s completely flown under the radar for how absurdly ugly and plain it is. I’d argue it’s among the worst looking cities in the entire country. Detroit and Cleveland have taken shots for decades but they both run laps around Columbus from a pure esthetic standpoint. If we were the “armpit of the Midwest” then Columbus has got to be the butthole.
  17. This is the Colts nominee for NFL Fan of the Year. He’s done these all season and its earned him a free trip to the Super Bowl, next NFL draft and countless thousands of dollars in social media views. It’s supposed to be a neigh, btw.
  18. I guess I spoke too quick about the only thing. Here we are again. Not good.
  19. Sharrone was right place, right time. Due to circumstances, Michigan was the only school that would’ve hired him as a head coach last year. I suspect even after this seasons experience, nobody else would hire him as head coach if he were on the market today.
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