I am in agreement that this move by Trump is absolute horse**** and he shouldn't be let off of the hook for it. He deserves the worst criticism and ire for this.
But I don't think that gets Biden off of the hook. Did Trump push for a withdrawal date, yup. Did Biden have to adhere to it, nope. But if you're not going to adhere to it and do it Trump's way, you are taking on any fallout responsibility.
Additionally, who here is surprised by this move from Trump. My guess is no one is as everyone on this forum pays attention to the most basic of world news and knows Trump has been saying he would shut down / stymie immigration. So Biden had 3 years to figure this all out for the remaining folks in Afghanistan, who have been in danger every single minute of every single day, of ever single month, of every one of these past 3 years, so while I'm still pissed at Trump for stopping them at the gate, I think everyone should be pretty pissed off at Biden for the three years it took to get to the gate.