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  1. I guess in short, i'm worried about all the 'outrage' I expect to see from the left every single time something happens. Trump is putting kids in cages!!! Oh no, the outrage!!!! Oh, those pictures are from when Obama was president, well putting kids in cages is outrageous and I know about it now so i'm outraged and you have to be mad at Trump only!!!! This is even worse. For 3 years 1600 people that we promised we would protect have been wondering if the next day they would be alive and for 3 years we have dropped the ball. Now that Trump is president though, time to publicize this and get outraged at him!!!! Him only!!!! Biden was president less than 2 days ago, I think I have every right to be just as furious at him for screwing around for 3 years to get this resolved then I do for the equally outrageous bull**** Trump pulled by pulling the plug on it. Maybe Biden my ass.
  2. I am in agreement that this move by Trump is absolute horse**** and he shouldn't be let off of the hook for it. He deserves the worst criticism and ire for this. But I don't think that gets Biden off of the hook. Did Trump push for a withdrawal date, yup. Did Biden have to adhere to it, nope. But if you're not going to adhere to it and do it Trump's way, you are taking on any fallout responsibility. Additionally, who here is surprised by this move from Trump. My guess is no one is as everyone on this forum pays attention to the most basic of world news and knows Trump has been saying he would shut down / stymie immigration. So Biden had 3 years to figure this all out for the remaining folks in Afghanistan, who have been in danger every single minute of every single day, of ever single month, of every one of these past 3 years, so while I'm still pissed at Trump for stopping them at the gate, I think everyone should be pretty pissed off at Biden for the three years it took to get to the gate.
  3. Agreed, which is why I called what Trump did as bull****, but it wouldn't have had to have been something for Trump to screw up if Biden didn't address it in the last three years he's had to do it.
  4. In jest, but not disingenuous. Disingenuous would be providing that link and assuming the only issue with it is Trump is the only asshole and Biden can be given multiple excuses by chatGPT to excuse why it's still an issue 3 years later and only Trumps fault.
  5. I wouldn't say that about the Biden Admin.... incompetent yes, but not cruel.
  6. Absolute bull**** by Trump, but it's been 3 years since we left Afghanistan, why the hell is this still an issue?
  7. Forgot about him, are we sure he's not just an alt-account of Tigerholic?
  8. Isn't Tigerholic the only Trump guy on this forum?
  9. Jesus, it's called Autism Spectrum Disorder for a reason. It can span a wide range. I'm not even saying he didn't do the Nazi salute, just pointing out he claims he didn't and when I first saw it, I simply thought it looked awkward and if you want to get technical, it wasn't a Nazi salute, he started covering his heart. Add in the fact he does have a disorder that most people associate with odd behavior and awkward responses and that does add some validity to his claim. Is he lying, maybe. Is Oblong 100% correct with his reasonings regarding why he doubts Elon's claim, absolutely. And again, my biggest issue is that you claim I was being disparaging. **** that ****.
  10. No I didn't, I said it looked pretty awkward and it's possible it was just awkward and maybe even related to his autism. Non autistic people do awkward things too. I've spent too much time on this when I honestly don't have a strong opinion of if he did or didn't do it. I'm just pissed you felt I was disparaging people with autism. That was bull****.
  11. Elon has said he's autistic. I wasn't guessing or assuming.
  12. I have a friend of the family that doesn't like to hug. But no longer am I going to blame autisim and disparage everyone with autism just to protect him. He's either giving me a hug and everyone else or he can get the hell out of my house for being so rude the next time he comes over. Seriously though, I am not blaming autism. I said it looked like an awkward response, even if it was completely on purpose, it still looked awkward. Not having 'normal' reactions/responses can be an autistic trait. I'm not disparaging anyone with that. He claims he didn't do it, i'm pointing out something that could potentially back that up, but also completely agree with Oblong on why someone may not believe it. I'm not trying to say he definitely did or didn't do it, what I am saying is nothing disparaging though.
  13. Absolutely true, thus why I understand the skepticism and why I said it wasn't a hill I'd die on.
  14. Dude, WTF? How in the hell did I demean anyone?
  15. I've been 'meh' on Elon up until the last 6 months where he's become everything he claims he hates. So i'm not looking to die on a hill for him, just saying it looked a little odd, even if it was a Nazi salute, it was an awkward Nazi salute. As for specific gestures, that by itself is not a characteristic, but the awkwardness definitely can be.
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