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Everything posted by ewsieg

  1. https://www.businessinsider.com/trump-electric-vehicles-elon-musk-endorsement-2024-8 And just like that, electric vehicles are cool and everyone should get one.
  2. I still listen to the Drew Lane show and they occasionally go 'behind the curtain' and talk about just how stupid the WRIF was for not being on the front lines supporting the White Stripes, other Detroit bands, and lesser known rock as a hole. Recently they interviewed Brian Vander Ark (Verve Pipe) and he's doing afternoons on a station in Grand Rapids. He mentioned he's got a lot of control of what he plays and is pretty sure he's the last big/mid market person left with that control. He mentioned that station plays some of their off hours with Little Stevies underground garage as well which is about the one reason I'd actually pay for Sirius XM ever again.
  3. A certain segment does, but it's not damn near 50%. I know you guys hate the both siding, but the failure of both sides and how they have done politics over the past 30 years, plus the change of MSM and how politics is covered is why a large portion of good people are not voting the same way as you, not just because they are all hateful people.
  4. Seasoned prosecutors love to sling mud, they just hit with a jab, take the point, and keep moving. Biden's quip about Trump/Whelan is the type of mud slinging I hope to see from Harris. I don't want her to focus her entire strategy on it, but take the opportunities when they come.
  5. 100% True. There was legitimate evidence in the past that certain tax cuts, combined with controlled spending, would be beneficial for the country and it was the republican party that backed that thinking. Very quickly into the tea party movement it turned away from targeted tax cuts and controlled spending to tax cuts and controlled spending. Even quicker after they got some power it turned into just tax cuts....always and only tax cuts. Trump has solidified it with his rhetoric and actions.
  6. Ailes did it on one network he controlled, others somehow are able to do it in a way where all other networks follow suit. (That's weird!). Typical liberal both siding things. 😉
  7. Note: Anecdotal view of what I'm seeing in the middle of Michigan. I've been up at my mother in laws lake house for a few days. Closest semi-known city is probably Clare, MI. It's been full of Trump signs even during Biden's presidency, some that haven't moved since probably 2016. Yesterday I was doing a bunch of errands and going in multiple directions around here and definitely still some Trump signs, but noticeably less than before. I noticed a ton of local official signs, not just your county, but state rep/us rep signs. One was Moolenar out of Midland. That was on one of the more notable signs I noticed based on count. He's a republican, and it took me awhile to figure that out as initially signs with him didn't have anyone else that I could associate with either ticket. Also, not one Trump/Vance, granted it's early for that. Plus knowing Trump he probably doesn't want to share his name on anything he's promoting.
  8. Wish I can remember the quote and who said it (heard it on 97.1), but Harris should trade Skubal only if its impossible for him to say no, not just a hard to say no offer. I think the above is a hard to say no proposal.
  9. Doubt we're making it and doubt we would win it all if we did, but if we did make it, we're doing it on the backs of Skubal, Flaherty, and Olson. It's obviously a team game and that's why we wouldn't be favored, but no other team would be excited to deal with that.
  10. That's a whole other story between me and her, lol. Short answer, no. That said, she has two specialists she sees regularly that she loves and they help advocate for her with her family doc.
  11. So, guess it depends on a persons definition of a 'broader scale'. I have discussed this with other medical professionals (not doctors, I don't know too many of them) that when they know about the auto-immune issues of her, say they would advise against doubling up on vaccines at one time now. So I assume it's happened enough for your average health care person to at least consider it as a possibility. When they finally ruled everything else out and said it was serum syndrome related to both of the shots together, they gave us a number of how many others were in the same ballpark as her and it was in the teens, I can't remember if that was even state or possibly even a national number. So certainly not widespread by any means. As a whole the benefit of society outweighs the few. That said, I do wonder if we lived back in Warren and she had her old doctor, vs living in northern Macomb (red area), if things would have been different. Was her doctor here just tired of hearing MAGA folks bitch about the Covid vaccine and wasn't thinking of her history? At the time would her history make any difference (I have never found any consensus on this)? Would her old doctor in a 'bluer' area had more patience with her concern and maybe offered up to take them separately? Even if so, it's possible she still could have reacted this way and doubling up on the vaccines only improved the chances. Who knows. What I do know is I don't want people taking my wife's experiences as an anecdote as to why vaccines are bad.
  12. Initially the "correct" response regarding side effects/injuries was to completely dismiss it, maybe concede one might get a slight fever. The narrative was to mock anyone that questioned it and point to the history of vaccines, which as a whole has been a positive game changer for humans. It wasn't just "normies" either, it was the medical community that didn't like questions about it, the public response was 'Please just talk with your doctor'. My wife got her first Covid booster and flu shot at the same time in part because my wife asked her doctor if she could get them together based on concerns due to her own health history and her doctor scoffed at her for even questioning it. Here we are years later and while she's got most food back, she still can't eat tomatoes, strawberries, spinach, and has constant pain in her joints and her doctor's response now is 'with your auto-immune history, I probably shouldn't have told you to get the shots together, whoops'. I added the whoops, not the doctor.
  13. I didn't know Matt Walsh was allowed to tweet anything unless it was related to the transgender topic.
  14. In just 24 hours, Harris has been able to consolidate pretty much everyone behind her and this has completely put the RNC convention in the rear view mirror. It's still early, but this seems to be pretty much best case scenario for this move.
  15. If the FBI is handling the investigation, it does put her in a tough spot in saying anything. That said, it's not like it's an active investigation where info getting out could impede a trial. You'd think after 9 days you'd be able to provide some information though.
  16. https://www.politico.com/news/2024/07/21/harris-potential-vp-picks-biden-dropout-00170204 Little write up on who they think Harris will be discussing. Shapiro is about the only one that I think will be a hard no as I think that would anger the progressives (Jewish). Newsom doesn't check any strategic boxes, but he's great in front of the camera. Whitmer, Cooper, Kelly, and Bashear seem to make the most strategic sense.
  17. I never waivered on voting for him myself, but I was deeply troubled about voting for him. You can say he'll have good people around him and for day to day stuff, there is some truth to it, but middle of the night emergency and he's just gotten back from a European visit, it's not like you can just decide to let the VP or chief of staff make some of those decisions, that's not how it works. I was never a Harris fan, but I do feel much more relieved at the idea of voting for her come November.
  18. Going to die on that hill, huh?
  19. There is probably some study that gives some more information on this, but my own personal experience tends to agree with you, although one of them definitely played favorites, luckily I was one of the favorites as I always cleaned up the mess of her actual favorites. My current boss is female and is fantastic. All that said, Harris has been known to have trouble managing her staff, although her office has been pretty quiet for the last year. Rather she's bad at it or just had a few bad hires that caused trouble, I can't say. I was ready to vote for Kloubachar last time around and she's had some similar complaints.
  20. Fixed that second sentence for you, otherwise your post was pretty much spot on.
  21. I plan on listening tonight after HOTD again, i'll try and focus on it. (Weird thing, for most music I really need to pay attention to hear the lyrics, otherwise I just catch portions of it. Sort of like trying to carry on a conversation at a bar where there is a live band playing, I hear just bits and pieces.) There are no song names, not sure if they have released those yet.
  22. I've been somewhat off the grid the last few days, but did see some stuff about riots in England and just learned with this post that it wasn't what I assumed it was about, a soccer game.
  23. Solid first impression of Jack White's new album. Neat reading how he released it as well.
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